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Organization new Board <br /> <br />In Re Standing Committees <br /> <br />Bonds of City Officials <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />City Appointments <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Health Board <br /> <br />Health Officer <br /> <br />Sanitary Inspector <br /> <br />Pa~'k COmmission <br /> <br />£. For Members of the Board of Education, <br /> <br />1.F.L.Andrews,Candidate received 2?52 votes. <br />2.H.O.Dawee,Candidate received 255~ votes. <br /> A.B. Gardner,Candidate received 2~02 votes. <br /> J.L.MoBrl~,Oandldate received 27S2 votes. <br /> Fred A.Ross,Candidate received iO?S votes. <br />Sam Stein, Candidate received 10S8 votes. <br />?.W.V.~hitson, Candidate received 1001 votes. <br /> J.Diok Wilson, Candidate received 2180 v~tes. <br /> <br />F.L.Andrews, H.C.Dawes, A.B.Oardner, J.L. McBride <br />and J.Diok Wilson, having received the highest number <br />of votes are hereby declared duly elected Members of <br />the Board of Education for the term of four years. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Greenleaf, duly seconded by <br /> <br />MoPhee, the Board .~Jc~rned <br /> <br /> April 21st, 1919, ~:~0 p.m. <br /> The new Board of Trustees were called to order by <br /> the Clerk. Present Trustees Tubbe, Ohl~an,Greenleaf, <br /> Mitchell and Dale. <br /> <br /> The Clerk asking for n~minattone for President of the <br /> Board, the following nominations Were made: <br /> <br /> Trustee Greenleaf by Trustee Mitchell, Trustee Tubbs <br /> by Trustee Chapman. Both Trvetees Greenleaf and Tubbs <br /> declining the nominations. <br /> <br /> Trustee Greenleaf then placed in nomination Trustee <br /> for the term.of one year.a~__~~ <br /> Mitchell/which was auly seconded by Tubbs and unanimousl <br /> <br /> carried, <br /> <br /> President Mitchell then made the following standing <br /> <br /> committees: Fire and City Dept. H.H.Dale, Police, <br /> J.W. Tubbe, Street W.A.Greenleaf, Water & Sewer, <br /> <br /> C.H.Ohapman. <br /> <br /> On motion of Trustee Greenleaf, duly seconded by Tubbe <br /> the bonds of the Clerk, attcrney, marshal and recorder <br /> were referred tc the President of the Board for approval <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Oreenleaf, duly seconded by Tubbs <br />that making the City appointments be taken up at this <br />time. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Tubbs, duly seconded by Greenleaf, <br />that each trustee appoint one member for the Health <br />Board to serve at the pleasure of the Board. <br /> <br />By President Mitchell, J.W. MoCormao, by Trustee Tubbs <br />M.R.Heninger, by Trustee Chapman, J.H.Coo~ren, by <br />Trustee Dale Chas. F. Mitchell, by Trustee Greenleaf <br />J.M.Baoks. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Tubbs, duly seconded by Dalw, <br /> <br />Dr.John I.Clark was appointed City Health Officer. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Tubbs, duly seconded by Chapman <br />W.W.Chandler was appointed Sanitary Inspector. <br /> <br />The motion of Trustee Oreenleaf that each Trustee <br /> <br />· ppoint one member on the Park Commission to serve at <br /> <br /> <br />