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In Re <br /> <br />Bide <br /> <br />Cypress Avenue Paving. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Ordinance <br /> <br />East 1Vth Street <br /> <br />Grade <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Ordinance calling Special <br /> <br />Election for the Annexation <br /> <br />designate what streets to embody in the Ordinance, subject <br />to the ~ard'e approval. <br /> <br />This being the time and place fix~ for opening of bids <br />for the ~ork to be done and imp~ovemez~t to be made on and <br />along a portion of C~rese Avenue, notice inviting such <br />bids ~ving heretofore been given, the Board proceeded <br />to an exan~ination of the bids and in open session <br />publicly opened, examined and declared the came; bids <br />having been received as follows: <br /> <br />Bidders Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Total <br /> <br />S. S. Finley 19.95 55 ets 1.25 $52,425.80 <br />T. W. Ogleeby ~1.25 45 ets .§§ 54,085.40 <br /> <br />Geo.R. Curtis 21 cte V5 1.00 54,01V.00 <br /> <br />S. S. Finley being the lowest regular responsible bidder, <br /> <br />the Board of Trustees rejected all bide or proposals <br />excepting that of S. S. Finley, and awarded the contract <br />for the work to be done and irmprovement to be made to him <br />at the pries named in hie bid. <br /> <br /> T~Ustee ~eenleaf introduced a re~lution of awards <br />the resolution was ordered filed, reed, considered, <br />numbered Re~lution of Award No. V69, and the roll was <br />called and the Resolution adopted by the following vote: <br /> <br />A~s: Trustees ~. W. <br /> <br />Tubbs, W. A. Greenleaf <br />~oi'mO. Mitchell <br /> <br />Trustee Tubbe introduced a proposed Ordinauce ordering <br />the submission to the electors of the City of 5~ta Asa. <br />of the question of whether or not certain new and unin- <br />habited ter~itor~ shall be annexed to and incorporated <br />in and ~de a part the~of, calling a special election <br />for that pu~'poae and fixing the date, the marker of hold- <br />ing andproviding that in all particulars not recited in. <br />this ordinmce, ~ACh election shall be held as provided! <br />by law for holding municipal elections in the City of <br /> <br />· e~ea.Ana. The ordinance was ordered filed, read, ee~- <br />sidered and submitted to the City Attox-ney. <br /> <br />Trustee W. A. Green_leaf introduced a proposed Ordinance <br />accepting.aa an open public street, East Seventeenth Stree~ <br />and West Seventeenth Street~ andcriginad_l¥ fixing the <br />grade thereof. The Ordinance was ordered filed, read, <br />considered and the City At~ney. <br /> <br />Noes: TPuetees None <br /> <br />Abeent: ~rusteee C. H. Chapman, H. H. Dale. <br /> <br /> <br />