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In Re <br /> <br />Advertising. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Permit denied. <br /> <br />H.H.Harrington. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />House moving permits. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Award of contracts <br /> <br />Water pipe & Fittingm <br /> <br />in Re <br />Bids - <br /> <br />N. Baker Street. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Resolution of Award <br /> <br />No.1480 - Sbelton <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Purtnton, seconded by Chapman and <br />carried, $300 was voted from the Advertising Fund to be <br />usedfbr page ad in Shrine Convention Program. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Collier, <br />carried, application of H. H. <br />to erect service station at N.W. <br />was denied. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Collier, seconded by Purlnton <br /> <br />seconded by McPhee md <br />Harrington for permission <br /> <br /> corner Main and Buffalo <br /> <br />and <br /> <br /> carried, Building Inspector was instructed in future to <br /> issue no permits for house moving without special permit <br /> from the Board of Trustee~ <br /> <br /> This being the time and place fixed for the award of <br /> contracts for furnishing the City with cast iron pipe ant <br /> fittings, Water Superintendent Wray having thoroughly <br /> <br /> checked the bids, reported Iow bidders as follows,m~d on <br /> motion of Trustee Chapman, seconded by Pwm~inton and <br /> ~arried 'contracts were so awarded: <br /> National Cast Ix-on Pipe Co. -10" and 4" pipe - $4949.: <br /> <br /> Grinnell Company Fittings ~00.~ <br /> Crane Company Valves 3~5., <br /> Crane Company Fire Hydrants 3~2.9 <br /> The Clerk was also instructed to ~eturn certified <br /> <br /> checks to unsuccessful bidders. <br /> <br />Engineer Neff reported that bid submitted bF the Union <br />Contracting Company of Lon~ Be·eh eove~in~ the ImD~ovemen <br />of N. B·ke~ Street was the low bid fo~ this improvement. <br />However, certain info~mation having come to the Sosrd <br />indicating that tbs low bidder was irresponslble, ~n <br />motion of Trustee Collie~, seconded by Purist on and <br />carried, the award of eontreet covering improvement of <br /> <br />N. Baker Street w as taken under advisement for one week <br />pending further investigation. <br /> <br />This being the t~me to wblch action on bids for tbs <br />improvement of · DoPtion of N. Sheltcn Street was deferre <br />end the Board of Trustees being now in regular adjourned <br />session, Trustee Purlnton tnt~ due~d a ~eaolution awsrdiz <br />the oontraet for said improvement to O~lff~th ~ompany <br />ss the lowest responsible bidder therefor. <br /> <br /> The resolution was ordered filed, read, considered, <br />designated Resolution of Award No. 1480 and D·ssed bF tbs <br />followin~ vote: <br /> <br />A.~es: <br /> <br />Noes: <br /> <br />Absent : <br /> <br />T~ustees C.H. Chs~man, Geo. MePhee, E.B.Colller, <br /> F.L.Purinton, J.W.Tubbs. <br /> <br />Trmstees None. <br /> <br /> T~ustees None. <br /> <br /> <br />