tn Re
<br />Reso. No. 2362
<br />
<br />Wage Scale for.
<br />
<br />Bleachers in Nunicipal Bowl.
<br />
<br />held Juae 2?th, 1953, and after canvassir~ the returns
<br />
<br />the following Resolution Declaring Result of Election
<br />
<br />was .read, considered, designated Resolution No. 2361 and
<br />
<br />passed by the following vote:
<br />
<br />Ayes, Trustees A.F. LeGaye, E. G. Warner,
<br /> A. C. RasenJaeger, Paul B. Witmer.
<br />
<br />~oes, Trustees Nones
<br />
<br />Absent, Tx, astees W.R. Penn.
<br />
<br />"That ~hereas, a gpecial M,~,~cipal Election was held and
<br />conducted in the City of Santa Aha on Tuesday, June 27th,
<br />· 1933, as required by law; and
<br />Whereas, it appears that notice of said election was duly
<br />and legally given, and that voting precincts were
<br />established; that election officers were duly appointed
<br />end election supplies fua-nished, and that in all respects
<br />said election was held and conducted and the votes cast
<br />thereat, received and canvassed, and the returns thereof
<br />made and declared, in the time, form and manner as rec
<br />by the General Laws of the State of CalifOrnia covering
<br />cities of the fifth and sixth class; and
<br />Whereas, the City Council of the said City of Santa Aha
<br />met at the Council Chamber of the City Council on Wednes-
<br />day, July 8, 1933, to canvass the returns of said
<br />and
<br />Whereas, the number of votes given in each precinct and
<br />in the whole election for and against the proposition
<br />voted upon is as follows:
<br /> ca, all the following ordinance be adopted?
<br />:Am Ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 882 of
<br />the City of Santa Aha, California, entitled "An Ordinance
<br />of the City of Santa Ana, Prohibiting the Mahufacture,
<br />~ale, Storage or Transportation of Intoxicating Liquor in
<br />the City of Santa Ama, the Importation thereof into or
<br />the Exportation thereof out of said City £~r ~everage
<br />Purposes, except as in this 0rdim~nce Prescribed and Pro-
<br />riding Penalties for Ail Violations".
<br />The People of the City of Santa Aha, California, do or-
<br />dain as follows:
<br />Section 1. Section 1 of 0rdinmnce No. 662 of the City
<br />of Santa Aha, State of California, is hereby amended to
<br />read as follows:
<br /> Section 1. Whenever and Wherever used in this Ordinance
<br /> certain words, terms and phrases shall mean and at all
<br /> times be construed to have the meaning defined in this
<br /> Section.
<br />(a) The word 'liquor' or the phrase 'Intoxicating liquor
<br />shall be construed to include alcohol, brandy, whiskey,
<br />rum, gin, beer, ale, porter and wine and in addition
<br />thereto, any spirituous, vinous, malt or fermented liquor,
<br />liquids amxl compounds, whether medicated proprietary
<br />patented or not and by whatever name called containing
<br />3.2 per cent or more of alcohol by weight which are fit
<br />for use for beverage purpose or which may be used for
<br />beverage purposes ·
<br /> (b) The term 'wholesale d~ggist' shell mean one who
<br /> sells drugs at wholesale and not to the general public.
<br /> (c) The texan 'retail druggist' shall mean a registered
<br /> pharmacist, authorized to practice in this State, conduct-
<br /> ing a regular retail business in drugs and who sells to
<br /> the general public.
<br /> (d) The word ,physician' shall mean a person who has a
<br /> license to practice medicine under the laws of the State
<br /> of California.
<br />(e) The term ,valid permit' shall mean a legal ,~revoked
<br />permit to do the ~act or acts performed, issued by a com-
<br />missioner, officer or agent of the United States, duly
<br />authorized by the law thereof to issue said permit."
<br /> YES 5504
<br />
<br />NO 48O5
<br />
<br />It Is Further Resolved that said Ordinance adopted by the
<br />people of the City of Santa Aha at aaid Municipal
<br />held on ~June 27, 1933, is hereby given the following num-
<br />ber, to-wit: No. 975, and becomes effective ten days
<br />from date hereof."
<br />
<br />A resolution was introduced instructimg the City Engineer
<br />
<br />to proceed with the erection and construction of an addi-
<br />
<br />tion in order to complete the bleachers at the Municipal
<br />
<br />
<br />