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RESOLUTION NO. ~1~-1~2 APPROVI$~G ~AP~ ~ECLAR~G <br />INTENTION TO VACAT~ ~ORTIONS OF TWENTY-FIRST <br />STREET, MCCLAY STR~T ~ GRF~N~OOD AV~.~U~. I~ <br />TRACT NO. 2019 AND FI~ING TI~E AND PLACE OF <br />HEARING THEREOF <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended that the portions of <br />Twenty-First Street, NcClay Street and Greenwood Avenue herein described be <br />vacated and the City Council, after study, has concluded that the same are <br />unnecessary for present or prospective street purposes and has caused a ~ap <br />thereof to be prepared: <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the map attached hereto is hereby <br />approved and ordered filed with this resolution and the City Council hereby <br />declares its intentimu to vacate and abandon portions of Twenty-First Street, <br />NcClay Street and Greenwood Avenue in the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, <br />State of California, described as: <br /> <br /> Those portions of Twenty-First Street, McClay Street <br /> and Greenwood Avenue as shown on a map of Tract No. <br /> 2019 recorded in Book 59, Page 38, Miscellaneous Naps, <br /> Records of Orange County, California. <br /> <br /> That the 18th day of October, 195~, at the hour of 7:30 P. ~. on said day <br />in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Third and Nain Stree~ in the City of <br />Santa Ana, California~ is hereby fixed as the time and place for hearing all <br />persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation of portions of <br />Twenty-First Street, ~cClay Street and Greenwood Avenue, and <br /> <br /> That the City Council hereby declares its intention to proceed with this <br />vacation of portions of Twenty-First Street, McClay Street and Greenwood Avenue <br />under the provisions of the Street Vacation Act of 19~l, Part 3, Division 9, <br />of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and <br /> <br /> That the Clerk of the Council is hereby ordered to publish this Resolution <br />Lu the manner prescribed by law for the publishing of Ordinances of the City and <br />the Director of ~ablic Works is hereby ordered to post conspicuously along the <br />lines of the portions of Twenty-First Street, ~cClay Street a~ Greenwood Avenue <br />proposed to be vacated, notices stating the passage of the Resolution of Inten- <br />tion and the time and place of hearing; such notices shall be posted not more <br />than 300 feet apart and at least three shall be posted along said streets herein <br /> <br />proposed to be vacated, <br /> <br /> <br />