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20t <br />In Re On motion of Trustee Layton, seconded by Bruns and carried, <br />Application the application of E. K. Sturzenger to build a four room <br />rear of <br />E. K. Sturzenger. residence on/Lot l, Block l?, Polytechnic Villa Tract, facing <br />Highland at Parton Street, a residence being located on lot, <br />was referred to the Planning Commission, <br />In Re On motion of Trustee Smith, seconded by Bruns and carried, <br />Resignation the resignation of Chas. D. Swarmer as a member of the Traffi~ <br />Chas. D. Swarmer. Safety Commission was accepted and the Clerk was instructed <br />to write a letter expressing the Council's appreciation for <br />the services rendered while a member of the Commission. <br />In Re On motion of Trustee Penn, seconded by Layton and carried, <br />Application the application C. Y. Dyer to conduct a forwarding agency to <br />C. Y. Dyer. wire race horse commissions to California tracks, at ~16 W. <br />Fourth Street, was referred to the Council as a whole. <br />,, <br />In Re On motion of Trustee Bruns, seconded by Smith and carried, <br />Communication the communication of the Chamber of Commerce recommending <br />Chamber of Commerce. that the city assist to stable the horses to be entered in <br />the annual Santa Ana Horse Show, was received and referred <br />to the committee appointed on the application of the Assist- <br />ance League covering the same matter. <br />In Re On motion of Trustee Layton, seconded by Bruns and carried, <br />Application the application of the General Petroleum Corporation to break <br />General Petroleum Corp. the curb and install two forty foot approaches at their new <br />bulk plant located at llll Fruit Street, was granted under <br />the supervision of the City Engineer. <br />In Re On motion of Trustee Smith, seconded by Penn and carried, <br />Appointment of the application of ~. J. Levin for appointment as a special <br />N.J. Levin, Spec.Police. police officer, without pay, was granted on recommendation of <br />the Police Commissioner and Chief. <br />In Re Upon the recommendation of the Forestry Board and on motion <br />Application of Trustee Penn, seconded by Bruns and carried, the applica- <br />Wi~bigler Nortuary. tion of Winbigler Nortuary to install flood lights in the <br />parking in front of their place of business, 809 N. Nain <br />Street, was granted and the certificate of liability insuranc~ <br />was ordered filed with the City Clerk. <br />In Re On motion of Trustee Bruns, seconded by Smith and carried, <br />Reso. No. 400 the Resolution of the City of Laguna Beach opposing the dump- <br />City of Laguna Beach. lng of untreated sewage into the Pacific Ocean from the Joint <br />Outfall Sewer, was received and filed. <br /> <br /> <br />