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In Re On motion of Trustee Penn, seconded by Bruns and carried, <br />Electric Signs. the ~applications of Electrical Contractors to hang electrical <br />signs for the Washington Bakery at 1309 N. Main Street and <br />for Danz Schmidt at 520 N. Main Street, were granted under <br />supervision of the Electrical Inspector. <br /># <br />In Re On motion of Trustee Smith, seconded by Layton and carried, <br />Resolutions on the Resolutions of the Cities of Anaheim, Fullerton, Orange <br />J.O.Sewer Reconstruction. and the Placentia Sanitary District agreeing to pay to <br />Santa Ana their proportionate part of the cost of reconstruc- <br />tion of Section 1 of the Joint 0utfall Sewer as set forth in <br />Project Proposal No. 15, W.P.A. S-9459-0, were received, <br />acknowledged and filed. <br />In Re On motion of Trustee Penn, seconded by Bruns and carried, <br />Ordinance No. 1062 the following Ordinance entitled: <br />Amend. Zoning Ordinance. "An Ordinance of the City of Santa Ana amending Ordinance <br />No. 809 entitled 'An Ordinance to be known as the Zoning <br />Ordinance of the City of Santa Ana, California, prescrib- <br />ing the classes of buildings, structures and improvements <br />and uses or additions in the several zones to be created <br />by this Ordinance, and providing the penalty for the <br />violation of the same~" <br />was read, considered, designated Ordinance No. 1062 and <br />passed by the following vote: <br />Ayes, Trustees Plummet W. Bruns, Joseph P. Smith, <br />W. H. Penn, Ernest H. Layton, Fred C. Rowland. <br />Noes, Trustees None. <br />Absent, Trustees None. <br />. <br />In Re On motion of Trustee Layton, seconded by Bruns and carried, <br />Reso. No. 2563 the following Resolution entitled: <br />Re-allocation of Funds "Resolution for re-allocation of funds under Agreement <br />between City of Santa Ana and Department of Public Works" <br />under.Agreement with <br />was read, considered, designated Resolution No. 2563 and <br />Dept. of Public Works. <br />passed by the following vote: <br />Santa Ana Boulevard. <br />Ayes, Trustees Plummet W. Bruns, Joseph P. Smith, <br />W. H. Penn, Ernest H. Layton, Fred C. Rowland. <br />Noes, Trustees None <br />Absent, Trustees None. <br />. <br />In Re Upon recommendation of the Planning Commission and on motion <br />Application of Trustee Bruns, seconded by Smith and carried, the zone on <br />Stanley E. Goode. property at 116-18 E. Chestnut Street, described as the west <br />32 feet of Lot 3, Block 2, Lyon's Addition, was ordered <br />changed from single family residence zone to neighborhood <br />business zone and the City Attorney was instructed to prepare <br />the necessary Ordinance to change the zone. <br />In Re Concurring with the recommendation of the Planning Commission <br />Application on motion of Trustee Layton, seconded by Bruns and carried, <br />Claude C. Neet. the application of Claude C. Neer for special use to cond~ct <br />a wholesale egg business on West Highland Street between <br />Shelton and Bristol Street, legal description being Lot 6, <br />Mi hland StrEet Tract was ranted. <br /> <br /> <br />