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In Re <br /> <br />Traffic on <br /> <br />N. Flower St. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Application of <br /> <br />Louis P.& Germaine P.Lahore. <br /> <br />In. Re <br /> <br />Application <br /> <br />Dr. Harvey C. Maxwell. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Application <br /> <br />H. T. Dunning. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Application <br /> <br />Henry Fink. <br /> <br /> APPROVED: <br /> <br />Mayor of the ~tty o San a An <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Penn, seconded by Layton and carried, <br />the matter of N. Flower Street being used by trucks for heavy <br />traffic was referred to the Traffic Safety Commission for <br />survey and reroutlng of trucks and submitting for passage <br />a resolution making it prohibitive for trucks to operate <br />on North Flower Street. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Bruns, seconded by Smith and carried, <br />the recommendation of the Planning Commission was concurred <br />in and the City Clerk was instructed to issue a permit or <br />license to Louis P. and Germaine P. Lahore conduct the busi- <br />ness of a beauty parlor at 624 French Street. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Bruns, seconded by Penn and carried, <br />the recommendation of the Planning Commission was concurred <br />in with reference to the application of Dr. Harvey C. Maxwell <br />for change in zone from single family residence zone to <br />courts and apartment house zone to permit the erection of an <br />apartment house at the southeast corner of Santa Clara and <br />Broadway and the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an <br />Ordinance changing the zone on property described as commenc- <br />ing at the SE corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Broadway and <br />running thence south along the east side of Broadway 9?½ ft; <br />thence east 200 ft; thence north 97~ ft. to the south line of <br />Santa Clara Avenue and thence west 200 ft. to the point of <br />beginning. <br /> <br /> . <br /> <br /> On motion of Trustee Bruns, seconded by Layton and carried, <br /> the recommendation of the Planning Commission was concurred <br /> in and the application of H. T. Dunning for special use to <br /> erect a service station at the southeast corner of Seventeen1 <br /> and Broadway described by metes and bounds, was granted. <br /> <br /> On motion of Trustee Bruns, seconded by Smi{h and carried, <br /> the recommendation of the Planning Commission was concurred <br /> in and the application of Henry Fink to erect a duplex at the <br /> southeast corner of Broadway and Bishop Streets, legal des- <br /> cription being Lot 2, Block 6, Southside Addition, was grante <br /> ,, <br /> <br /> On motion of Trustee Bruns, seconded by Smith and carried, <br /> <br />the City Council adjourned. <br /> <br /> <br />