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112 <br /> <br />~ayor oi she Wy or ~an~a Aha. <br /> <br />Noes, Trustees <br />Absent,Trustees <br /> <br />None <br /> <br />W. Eugene Dixon. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Cheney and <br /> <br />carried, the City Council adjourned. <br /> <br /> City Clerk <br /> <br />Council Chambers <br /> <br />Santa Ana City Hall <br /> <br />November 19th, 1945. <br /> <br />City Council met in regular session. <br /> <br />Meeting called to order by Mayor Hoffman. <br /> <br />Present: Trustees Dale G. Deckert, W. Eugene Dixon, <br /> Otto R. Haan, Asa Hoffman. <br /> <br />Absent: Trustees W.J.Chcney <br /> <br />The Clerk commenced the reading of the Minutes and each <br />member of the City Council having received copies of the <br />Minutes of November §th, 1945, further reading of the <br />Minutes was dispensed with and approved on motion of <br />Trustee Haan, seconded by Deckert and carried. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />C ommunic at i on <br /> <br />Dr. H. Figdor <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />C ommuni c at i on <br /> <br />Arthur E. Curren <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Pacific Electric Ry. <br /> <br />Franchise Voucher <br /> <br />Co. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Communication <br /> <br />Chief Technician KGHX <br /> <br />7:30 P.M. <br /> <br />Communication from Dr. H. Figdor protesting against <br />increase in license rate for professional people, was <br />read and on motion of Trustee Dixon, seconded by Haan <br />and carried, comunicatton was received and filed. <br /> <br />Communication from Arthur E. Curren withdrawing his <br />protest against erection of a residence 20x~4' on rear <br />of lot at $30 Beverly Place, providing that the owner <br />will, within a reasonable length of time, erect a <br />residence on the front part of the lot of such value and <br />in compliance with restrictions and building permit <br />requirements was read, and on motion of Trustee Deckert, <br />seconded by Dixon and carried, con~nunication was referre <br />to Building Inspectol~ for action. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Haan, seconded by Dixon and carried <br />statement from Pacific Electric Ry. Co. showing amount <br />due the City of Santa Ana under franchise Ordinances <br />381, 898 and 1149 for period of one year ending November <br />7, 1945 inclusive, was received and filed and voucher <br />14189, in the amount of $628.67 wa~s referred to Auditor <br />for checking and to be deposited. <br /> <br />Communication from Chief Technician KGHX relative to <br />poor condition of radio equipment in police cars and <br />suggesting that new mobile transmitters and receivers <br />should replace the obsolete equipment w.~s read and on <br /> <br /> <br />