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244 <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />C ommtmication <br /> <br />Metropolitan '.Jater Dist. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Application to solicit <br /> <br />Funds - Ermuanuel Christian <br /> <br />Workers, Inc. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Communication <br /> <br />Indoor Sports' Club, Inc. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Petition & Co~nunication <br /> <br />Dept. of Veterans Affairs <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Budget & Salary Schedule <br /> <br />Years 1948-1947 <br /> <br />therefor the limit placed by the State of California, <br />i.e. thirty cents per .il00.00 valuation, and communication <br />from Chairman Charter Committee stating they did not <br />consider the resolutions favorably nor change the tax <br />limitations and setting forth their reason therefor, <br />were read. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Dixon, seconded by Chancy and <br />carried, the reco~mmendetion of the Charter Committee <br />w~s accepted and Clerk instructed to notify the Board <br />of Directors, Santa Ana Public Library of such action. <br /> <br />Communicatfon from Executive Secretary of Netr~pQlitan <br />Water District, together with Resolution No. 3599, <br />levying a tax upon taxable property within said District, <br />including taxable property lying w~thin the City of <br />Sants Aha, at a rate of forty-one cents (41~) ou each <br />~lO0.O0 of assessed valuation, was read and on motion <br />of Trustee Cheney, seconded by Dixon and carried, <br />communication was received and filed. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Cheney, seconded by Dixon and <br />carried, application of The Ermuanuel Christian Workers, <br />Inc. to solicit funds, in the business district once <br />each month, was denied. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Cheney, seconded by Dixon and <br />carried, communication from Indoor Sports' Club, Inc. <br />Orange County Chapter, advising that they are in no way <br />connected with the Brotherhood of Service, was received <br />and filed. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Dixon, seconded by Cheney and <br />carried, communication from Asst. ~gr. Dept. of Veterans <br />Affairs, Div. of Farm & Home Purchases, together with <br />petition for cancellation of certain taxes now appear- <br />ing on tax records as a llen against property owned by <br />the Department of Veterans Affairs in Santa Aha, was <br />referred to the City Attorney to report back at the <br />next meeting. <br /> <br />The Auditor gave a resume of the Budget and salary <br />schedule for the years 194~-1947. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Dixon, seconded by Cheney and <br />carried, the Budget and salary schedule for the year 1946- <br />19~ was adopted and salary schedule as contained therein <br />to be effective as of July 1st, 1946. <br /> <br /> <br />