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245 <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Abandonment of .,/. <br /> <br />15th ,~t. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Taxicab <br /> <br />Applications <br /> <br />In lie <br /> <br />Applicat ion <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Police kcport <br /> <br />In ?~e <br /> <br />C o2 nnuni c at i on <br /> <br />Chief of ."ire Dept. <br /> <br />Appointments & Resignations <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />C or~auni c a t i on <br /> <br />Harold '-{. l,~n ,lish f' wife <br /> <br />e orr~ ea, <br />month of <br /> <br />A petition was presented signed by fifty property owners <br />and residents in the vicinity of W. 15th, W. l?th St., <br />Santa Clara and EngiiShSts., protesting the closing up <br />aud abandonment of 15th St. between Bristol and English <br />Streets. <br /> <br />A ~engthy discussion was held between members of the <br />School Board and owners and residents in the vicinity of <br />W. 15th, ,V. 1Vth St., Santa Clara and English Streets. <br />The Mayor suggested that hearing be continued until <br />Sept. 3rd, 1946 and on motion of Trustee Cheney, seconde~ <br />by Dixon and carried, hearing was continued until that <br />date, <br /> <br />The ~ayor also suggested that the School Board, property <br />owners and residents in the vicinity in question and <br />City Council hold an informal meeting on August 27th, <br />1946, at V:O0 P.~. in the Council Chambers for the <br />purpose of attempting to reach an agreement on this <br />matter; which was approved by the School Board and <br />property owners. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Dixon, seconded by Cheney and <br /> <br />carried, applications of Henry W. Kiehl, Edward A.Singer <br />~illiam Arthur ~ulller, Colburn Re,~molds, Wayne Wilmuth, <br /> <br />Lloyd B. McCol%um, Walter Oscar Ederveen, James E.Sussdo~ <br /> <br />Robert E. Hooper, Guy E. Humphreys, Clarence J. Brown <br /> to drive taxicabs, <br />and Allen Roy Uusted/were granted and Clerk a~thorized <br /> <br />to issue licenses. <br /> <br />,, <br /> <br />on motion of Trustee Dixon, seconded by Cheney and <br />carried, notification o~ the State Board of Equalizatio~ <br />of alcoholic beverage av~plicat[on made by Candido S.Pere: <br />and Maximino Prectado to be trsnsferred from Lowell W. <br />Park, 900 E. 4th St., w~s received and filed. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Dixon, seconded by Cheney and <br /> t~e report of the Police Department for the <br /> July, 1946, was received and filed. <br /> <br />Co~mnication ~rom Chief of Fire Dept. addressed to <br /> <br />Civil Service Beard reporting on probationary employees <br /> <br />an~ that following employees were placed on probation: <br />?il~ord Osborn and maniel O. Uarris, J~ne 15th, 1946, <br /> <br />~letus ~. Wa~'ner, ,l~ly 1st, 194g, R.J.Dunn, July 3rd, <br /> <br />1946 and resignation of Orlo Moore will be effective <br /> <br />Au~,ust 20th, was received and filed, on motion of Trustee <br />pixo~,seconded by Cheney and carried. <br /> <br />~n moti.~n of Trustee Cheney, seconde~ hy ~fxo~ and <br /> <br />I. English ~e~,estin~ revocation of Lots D.E.W.&.©. which <br /> <br /> <br />