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246 <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />he .nest Delbert Larsh - <br />Amend Photographer's Ord. <br /> <br />In ~ie <br /> <br />Edison Co. charge <br /> <br />on water wells <br /> <br />In <br /> <br />Award of contract <br /> <br />Painting-~owcrs Lemorial i/~useu~n <br /> <br />P~intin.;-City Hall <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Co~mmunication <br /> <br />John B. Cooley ~. Co. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />AM~i. for Variance <br /> <br />Resol. No. 88 <br /> <br />Robert S. ~}erwing <br /> <br /> In Re <br /> <br /> Appl. for V.~riance <br />CResol. No. ~¢9 <br /> <br /> Arthur L. Lawrence <br /> <br />were dedicated for street purposes was referred to the <br />gtreet Superintendent and City Attorney to report back <br />at m~et~ng gepter~bor ~r~l, 1946. <br /> <br />on motion of Trustee Diyon, seconded by Cheney and <br />carrier1, request of Delbert Lsrsh relative amendment of <br />Or~]~nsnce Mo. !005, %ect~on 2, which prohibits issuance <br /> <br /> coup.~ns sod or merchant's c~.rtific~tes, by photographers, <br /> <br /> r~ferre,~] to the City Attorney. <br /> <br />of <br /> <br />It was stated by the ~.;aTror that stand-by charge <br /> <br /> of the <br />l,~dison Co. for the water wei!s was costing the City of <br />~nt~ An~ approximately ..;12,000.00 per year and su~ested <br />that when the use of wate~ e~ceeded the normual use that <br />well water be sup?~emented. <br /> <br />On recommendation of the Uayor and o~ ~ot~on of Trustee <br />Chene~r, seconde~ by Dixon and carried, the Water Super- <br />intendent was instructed to use w~ll water to sun..lement <br />t~e nor,~ ~ver~e flow. <br />,, <br /> <br />On recommendation of the co~ittee sod on method of <br />~ruste~ ~erey, seconded b~ Dixon and carried, the bid <br />of '.';il] i ams .Taterproofing & Pai~tin~ Co. in the amount <br />of ?),18~.60 Cor waterprooCi~C and painting of City <br />and bid of .i~,472.00 for waterproofinC and painting of <br />Bowers Yemorial 5'~useum,wsre accepted and Clerk instructed <br />to return checks of unsuccessful bidders. <br /> <br />,, <br /> <br />The recommendation of the Engineer that abandonment or <br />quitclaim of easement for sewer purposes on certain <br />properties as set out in communication from John B. <br />Cooley ~ Co., dated August lst~ 1946, was accepted and <br />on motion of Trustee Dixon, seconded by Chancy and <br />carried, the C~ty Attorney was instructed to prepare <br />necessary papers and Chairman of the Board authorized to <br />sign. <br /> <br />Communication end Resolution No. 88 of the P]snninq <br /> to Robert $. Gerwing <br />Commission ~r~nting variance/permitting radio and house- <br /> <br />hold, electrical appliance s~les 8nd service store on <br />the north half of Lot 2 in Block "A" of Tract No. 152, <br />which is approximately 1522 ~est 1st St., was read and <br />on motion of Trustee Chancy, seconded by Dixon and <br />carried, action of the Planning Commission was approved. <br />,, <br /> <br />Coramunication and Resolution No. 89 of the Planning <br /> <br />Com~fssion grgnttnK vsriance permitting beauty parlor <br /> <br />within existinM residence of Arthur L. L~wrenee, at VI~ <br />Bush St., was read and on motion of Trustee Di~on, <br /> <br /> <br />