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25O <br /> <br />In He <br /> <br />Resol. Lo. 5488 <br /> <br />Calling: Special Election <br /> <br />Novel.~bcr 5th, 1946 <br /> <br />City of San~.a Aha Charter <br /> <br />In lie <br /> <br />Resol. LDo 0480 <br /> <br />CallinS Special Nlection <br />November 5th, 1946 <br /> <br />Let. Recreation Dept under <br />~.ianasement of hecreation <br /> <br />C omr~i s s i on <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Resol. No. 5400 <br /> <br />of Intention to A~%,rove <br />Contr~mt Pr.~vidiz i for <br /> <br />Participatia~ in ]tare <br /> <br />Er:il)loyees~ llet:r~:mont .fy:ten <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Resol. lie. L. 491 <br /> <br />Enter into Co:itrqct with ~,oqrd <br /> <br />of Administration of ~t'~te <br />~q~lo;p, es~ . tlroiuont .rstem <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Dixon, seconded by Deckert and <br /> <br />car~ied, the following Resolution entitled: <br /> <br />"A Resolution of the City Conncil of the ~ty <br />of 2~nta Aha Calling a Special Nlection to <br />~ubm%t to a vote of the Electors of said City <br />the ~uestion of the Adoption of a City Charter <br />for the f~vernment of the City of Ssnta Aha <br />Pursuant to Article MI, Section 8, of the <br />Constitution of the State of California and <br />Amendments Thereto, and Aut¼orizin~ a Con- <br />solidation of said NlectIon wltb the General <br />Nlections of November 5, 1946." <br /> <br />was introduced, read, considered, designated Resolution <br /> <br />3488 and m~ssed by the followin~ vote: <br /> <br />Ayes, <br /> <br />Trustees W. Nu?ene Dixon, Dale G. Deckert, <br /> W.J.Cheney, Asa Hoffman <br /> <br />N'oes, Trustees None <br /> <br />Absent, Trustees Otto R. Uaan <br /> <br />On mot[on of Trustee 1)eckert, seconded by Cheney and <br /> <br />carried, the follovHng Resolution entitled: <br /> <br />"Resolution of the City qonncll of the City of <br />San~a Ama Callin~ a Speaisl Nlection to submit <br />to a vote of the electors of s aid City an <br />Ordin.~nce EstablishinE a Recreation Department <br />for the City of Santa Ana under' Management of <br />a Recreation Commission censistin~ of seven <br />members; Prascribin? the manner of appointment <br />of said membe~sl Prescribing the Hanagement <br />and Supervision of public recreation; prescribin? <br />the acquisition of and establls ~ing playground <br />areas, buildings and athletic fields; establishing <br />a Recreation mund and Levying of a tax thereforl <br />smd Authorizing a consolidation of said election <br />with the General elections of November 5, 194¢" <br /> <br />wns introduced, read, considered, designated Resolution <br /> <br />3489 and massed by the follow~nS vote: <br /> <br />Ayes, Urustees '7. Eugene Dixon, Dale G. Dcckert, <br /> 7..~.o.h~ney, Asa Hoffman <br /> <br />i'Toes, Trustees Uone <br /> <br />Absent, q'r~stees Otto ~. Naan <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee l)eckert, seconded by Cheney <br />carried, the following Resolut_~on entitled: <br /> <br /> "?esolut~on of Intention to Arc, rove Contract <br /> <br />amd <br /> <br />Providing for Partic~mat!on in State b?~loye~s' <br />P~-t~rement qystem" <br /> <br />w s introduced, re~d, considered, d~sicnated Resolution <br /> <br />No. S4t~O and passed by th~ follow~,-,.~ vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes, Trustees W. [.]ugene Dixon, l)al~ G. Deokert~ <br /> W.,I.Cheney~ Asa Herman <br /> <br /> Noes~ ~Prl] She~S No~e <br /> <br /> Absent,Trustees Otto ~{. U~an <br /> <br /> motJon of '?rnstee '~ecker%, seconded by Cheneyand <br />carried, thc re! ow}DX Reso/~lt~on wherein the City of <br />S~nta Aha nro!,osas ~o enter into a contract w~th the <br />qoard of Adm'nJstrat%op oe ab,- /take Emm]oye~s~ Retire- <br />ment qvs~em ma'.-~,,~ t~e ~mnlov~,r of ~ ~d City members of <br /> <br /> vote: <br /> <br /> <br />