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In Re <br /> <br />Resignations <br /> <br />Forestry Board <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Proposed Annexation of <br /> <br />Territory to City of <br /> <br />Santa Ana - <br /> <br />Hearing Date <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Reappointment <br /> <br />Clyde Ashen <br /> <br />Civil Service Board <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Tract No. 1144 <br /> <br />No. side 1600 Bi. <br /> <br />West 9th St. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Garbage agreement <br /> <br />C.E. Price & Sons <br /> <br />165 <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Deckert, secondod by Dixon and <br />carried, action on the resignations of the members of <br />the Forestry Board was deferred until next meeting of <br />the Council and Chairman of the Board instructed to <br />invite such members to attend Joint meeting to discuss <br />Forestry Board problems. <br /> <br />This being the date set for hearing protests on the <br />area proposed to be annexed southeast of the City of <br />Santa Aha, the Clerk commenced the reading of petitions <br />in favor of and petitions objecting to the annexation. <br />Robert Gardner appeared before the Council and presente~ <br />written petitions protesting against the annexation by <br />property owners, giving addresses and descriptions of <br />properties in the proposed area and requesting that the <br />be granted additional time to secure more names of <br />property owners objecting to this annexation. <br />B.Z.McKtnney, attorney for the proponents of the annex- <br />ation objected to granting of more time and postponement <br /> <br />of hearing; also presented petitions requesting the <br /> not <br />Council to/conside~ any more objections to the annexati( <br /> <br />proceedings and to call an election in said territory. <br />The Chairman of the Board called for a five minute <br /> <br />recess. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Deckert and <br />carried, petitions were referred to the City Engineer <br />and Attorney for checking of parcels of properties for <br />the purpose of determining if the proponents or <br />opponents have a majority and that decision will be <br />reached at the next meeting. <br /> <br />On recommendation of the Mayor and on motion of Trustee <br />Deckert, seconded by Dixon and carried, Clyde Ashen was <br />reappointed as member of tbs Civil Service Board; term <br />to expire December 31st, 1952. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Dixon and <br />carried, map of Tract No. 1144 being a subdivision <br />located on the north side of the 1600 block West 9th St. <br />and on both north and s~uth sides of same block of West <br />10th St., in the City of Santa Ana, was referred to the <br />City Engineer to report back at the next meeting. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Dixon and <br />carried, communication from Dr. C.E. Price and Sons, <br />together with agreement for purchase of garbage from th <br />City of Santa Ana for the period April 1st, 1946 and <br /> <br />ending March 31st, 1951 was referred to a committee of <br /> <br />three consisting of Chairman of the Board, Police <br /> <br /> <br />