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::t69 <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Application <br /> <br />Sou. Pac. R.R. Co. <br /> <br />Franchise <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Ordinance ~ending <br /> <br />Zoning Ord. No. lOV4 <br /> <br />Mary S. Watkins <br /> <br />LuRe <br /> <br />Ordinance Amending <br /> <br />Zoning Ord. No. <br /> <br />James B. Tucker <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Ordinance Amending <br /> <br />Zoning Ord. No. 1074 <br /> <br />A.A.Crawford <br /> <br />further study by the Council. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Dixon and <br />carried, the application of the Southern Pacific Railros <br />Co. a corporation, for a franchise to construct, recon- <br />struct, maintain and operate standard gauge railroad <br />tracks in and across Fourth Street, was referred to the <br />City Attorney to report back at the next meeting. <br /> <br />No written or oral protests were received and <br />On motion of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Dixon and <br /> <br />carried, the following Ordinance entitled: <br /> <br /> "Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1074" <br /> <br />and that Sheet No. 15 of the Districting Map of the City <br />of Santa Aha be amended to reclassify the following <br /> <br />described property, to-wit: <br /> lO.61 acres of land, bounded on the East by Ross <br />Street, on the West by Patton Street, on the North by <br />Seventeenth Street, excepting therefrom the South 28 <br />feet and the North 150 feet. The north fifty feet <br />thereof to be reclassified asC-1 and the balance of said <br />property to be reclassified R-3; <br /> <br />2n accordance with application of Mary S. Watkins, was <br />introduced, read, considered and placed on file for <br />second reading. <br /> <br />No written or oral protests were received and on motion <br />of Trustee Deckert, seconded by Dixon and carried, the <br />following Ordinance entitled: <br /> <br /> "Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1074" <br /> <br />and that Sheet No. 1S of the Districting Map of the City <br />of Santa Aha be amended to reclassify the following <br />described property, to-wit: <br /> <br /> 8.28 acres, lying between Patton Street on the <br /> East and Flower Street on the West, Fifteenth <br /> Street on the South and Seventeenth Street on <br /> the North, excepting the North 180 feet thereof. <br /> The North fifty feet thereof to be reclassified as <br /> C-1 and the balance of said property to be re- <br /> classified R-3; <br /> <br />in accordance with application of James B. Tucker, was <br />introduced, read, considered and placed on file for <br />second reading. <br /> <br />No written or oral protests were received and on motion <br />of Trustee Dixon, seconded by Deckert and carried, the <br />following Ordinance entitled: <br /> <br /> "Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 107A" <br /> <br />and that Shee~ No. l~ of the Districting MaP of the City <br />of Santa Ana be amended to reclassif~a~ R-3 all propert! <br />now classified as R-1 andtying within the exterior <br />boundary lines of the property described as follows: <br /> <br /> All of Lot Four (4) of Block "B" of Geopper's <br /> Addition to the City of Santa Aha; said property <br /> is located on the northerly side of Nineteenth <br /> Street between North Broadway and Victoria Drive; <br /> <br />in accordance with application of A.A. Crawford, was <br /> <br /> <br />