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Records of said Orange County, and to Ernst Enaak, recorded <br />in Book 1~03, Page 311, Official Records of said Orange County, <br />468. 0 feet to the beginning of a curve tangent, concave North- <br />erly and having a radius of 2113.68 feet, said beginning of <br />curve being in the Southerly line of the right of way conveyed <br />by Aaron Engel, et ux~ to the Pacific Electric Railway Company <br />by Deed recorded in Book 224, Page 239 of Deeds, Eecords of said <br />Orange County and later conveyed by said Pacific Electric Railway <br />Company to Er~e~ Knaak and Emma Knaak by a Quit Claim Deed re- <br />corded in Book 1~03, Page 311, Official Records of said Orange <br />County; thence Easterly alon~ said Southerly right of way line, <br />through a central angle of l~° 28' 13", ~33.82 feet to a~ inter- <br />section with the Westerly line of the right of way for the above <br />mentioned Santiago Street, said point bei~ on a curve concave <br />Northwesterly and having a radius of ~20.00 feet; thence South- <br />westerly along said curve through a central angle of 8° 4~' 00" <br />an arc distance of 64.14 feet to a li~e tangent; thence South <br />36° 0~' 50" West along said tangent line, 80.0~ feet to the be- <br />ginning of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a <br />radius of 480.00 feet; thence~Southwesterly along said curve <br />through a central angle of 36~ 00' 00" an arc distance of 301.59 <br />feet to a line tangent; thence South 0° 0~, ~0" Nest along said <br />tangent line 320.~0 feet to the point of beginning. <br /> Containing 13.195 acres, more or less. <br /> <br /> All bearings and distances are as shown on a licensed Sur- <br />veyor's map filed in Book 29 at Page 34, Record of Survey in the <br />Office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California. <br /> <br />That said Council hereby designates "WEST OF SANTIAGO ANNEX" as <br /> <br />an appropriate name for said annexation. <br /> <br />That said Council hereby declares its intention to aud it will <br /> <br />annex said territory to and include it within the Santa Ana Elementary <br /> <br />School District, Santa Ana High School District and Santa Ana Junior <br /> <br />College District and upon the completion of said annexation, said ter- <br /> <br />ritory shall be and become a part of said School Districts. <br /> <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that October 17, 19~ at the hour of <br /> <br />7:30 P. N. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall at Third and ~.~ain <br /> <br />Streets, in the City of Santa Ana, California, is the time and place <br /> <br />fixed at which said Council will hear protests made by any person owning <br /> <br />real property within said territory so proposed to be annexed. At any <br /> <br />time before said hour, any owner of any of said property may file written <br /> <br />protest against this proposed annexation. Such protest should state the <br /> <br />owner,s name and, in general terms, a description and area of the prop- <br /> <br />erty owned. <br /> <br /> PASSED AND ADOPTED by the <br />at its regular meeting held on the <br />ATTE~ <br /> CLERK OF THE COUNCIL <br /> <br />City Council of the City of Santa Ana <br /> 6th day of September , 19~. <br /> <br /> <br />