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Railway, through a central angle of 19° 53' 59", an arc dis- <br />tance of 734.06 feet to the intersection with the West line of <br />that certain parcel of land leased to the County of Orange re- <br />corded in Book 853, Page 450, Official Records of Orange County, <br />~a~Forn~a, a ra~tal ~rom sa~ po~n~ ~earn N. ~ ~1 lg" W..: <br />thence, S. 0© 12' 17" W., along said West line, a distance of <br />520.20 feet, to the Southeast corner of that certain parcel of land <br />described as Parcel i in Book 1318, Page 531, Official Records of <br />Orange County, California; thence S. 71© 20' 50" W., following along <br />the South line of said Parcel l, a distance of 189.95 feet, to the <br />East corner of that certain parcel of land described as Parcel 2, <br />in Book 800. Page 154, Official Records of Orange County, California; <br />thence S.640 49' 50" W., following along the South line of said <br />Parcel 2, a distance of 71-6.95 feet to the Southwest corner of said <br />Parcel 2, said corner being in the East line of Sautiago Street <br />(60 feet in width); thence, N. 0° 05' 50" E., following along the <br />West line of said Parcel 2 and the West line of said Parcel l, a <br />distance of 162.02 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, con- <br />cave Southeasterly, having a radius of 420.00 feet; thence North- <br />easterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 36© 00' 00", <br />following along the West line of said Parcel l, a distance of 263.89 <br />feet, to the beginning of a tangent line; thence, N. 36o 05' 50" E., <br />following along the West line of said Parcel l, a distance of 80.05 <br />feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave Northwesterly, <br />having a radius of ~80.00 feet; thence, Northeasterly, along said <br />curve, through a central angle of 15° 08' 05", an arc distance of <br />126.79 feet, to the intersection with the Southeasterly line of <br />the former right of way of the Pacific Electric Railway, a radial <br />from said point bears N. 69° 02' 15" W., and the point of beginning. <br /> <br /> Parcel B is more particularly shown on a Map recorded in Book <br />33, Page 47, Records of Surveys~ Records of Orange County, California. <br /> <br />PARCEL C: <br />~nning at a point in the Southwest right of way line of the <br />AtchiSon, T~peka and Santa Fe Railway (100 feet in width), said point <br />bears S. 24v 08' 48" E. a distance of 352.45 feet from the intersection <br />of said Southwesterly right of way line with the Southeasterly line of <br />the former right of way for the Pacific Electric Railway, said point <br />also being the North corner of that certain parcel of land described <br />as Parcel i in Book 800, Page 154, Official Records of Orange County, <br />California; thence, S. 24© 08' 48" E., following along the East line <br />of said Parcel l, a distance of 176.86 feet to the Southeast corner of <br />said Parcel l; thence, S. 75° ~l' 47" W., following along the South <br />line of said Parcel l, a distance of 257.81 feet, to the West corner <br />of said Parcel l; thence, N. 38© 15' 17" E., following along the <br />Northwest line of said Parcel l, a distance of 286.63 feet, to the <br />North corner of said Parcel i and the point of beginning. <br /> <br /> Parcel C is more particularly shown on a Map recorded in Book <br />33, Page 47, Records of Surveys, Records of Orange County, California. <br /> <br /> EXCEPTING FROM the above described Parcels A, B and C, that <br />portion lying within the Orange County Flood Control District <br />Channel (80 feet in width) being forty (20) feet on each side of <br />the following described center line: <br /> <br /> Beginning at a point in the South line of the aforedescribed <br />Parcel A, said point bears S. 88© 39' 50" W. a distance of 369.68 <br />feet from the Southeast corner of the aforementioned Parcel A, said <br /> <br /> <br />