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RESOLUTION NO. ~8-84 0F THE CITY 0F SANCTA A..EA, CALII~OPJ~IA <br />zfETEP~INING TH,ET THE EXPENDITURE OF ~IONEY RAISED BY ~E <br />SA~ OF BOP~DS APPROVED BY T~ ELECTORS OF SAID CI~ AS <br />"BOarD PROPOSITIOi{~ NO. ~" AT ~{E SPECi.~ BOND E~CTION <br /> APRIL 9, 1946, FOR '~{E II~[PROVEi,iE[T OF SANTIAGO <br />HELD <br /> CREEK, <br />IS I!~,~PRACTIC~ ~D L~¥ISE AHD T~AT S.~D F, iONEY SHOU~ NOT B~ S0 <br />EXPENDED BUT SHOULD 3~ USED FOR ~ ~J~ OT'IER USE~JL ],,iUNICIPAL <br />PU~0SE <br /> <br /> %~ttEREAS, the voters of the City of Sa~ ta ~%na at a special <br />m~a~icipal election held April ?, 1946, called for the purpose of <br />submittinA to said voters certai~ propos itions to incur bonded in- <br />debtedness, voted in favor of incurring such indebtedness in that <br />more than tvx)-thirds of all voters voti~ng at said electio~n voted in <br />favor of fi~e adoption of each of the bond propositions submitted to <br />them, and <br /> <br /> ~f~EREAS, i~ond P~ position i~o. 4, s~ submitted, was in words <br />and figures as follows: <br /> <br /> "BOND P~OPOSiTION ~'i'O. 4: Shall the City of Santa Ana incur <br /> a bonded indebtedness in the principal su~ of ',~'~12~,000.00 <br /> for the purpose of k~e acquisition ar~ construction by said <br /> City of a certain municipal im~orovement, to-wit: ~¥orks ~nd <br /> structures for the control of storm and flood waters of <br /> Santiago Creek in the City of Saa ta Aha, said works and <br /> structures to consist of retaini~ walls and the paving of <br /> the channel of a portion of said creek?", <br /> <br />and as a res~lt of said vote on said proposition the bonds autaorized <br />by said Bond Proposition No. 4 were duly issued and sold, and the City <br />now holds the proceeds resulting there~i'rom, and no part of said <br />!?125,000.00 has been expended for the purposes set forth in said <br />proposition, an d <br /> <br /> %:~HEREAS, ce~:tain structures and works have so controlled the <br />storm and flood waters entering Santiago Creek that danger from flood- <br />ing or creek overflow has ceased to exist, and <br /> <br /> '~{E?d~AS, the work authorized by ssi d Bond Proposition i~'o. 4 <br />could now onl.5~ serve to beautify and improve said creek channel within <br />the City and could and would be of little benefit in retaining flood <br />waters if circumstances produced 'tho same, snd such beautification <br />and inprover~ent of said Santia ~o Creek could and would benefit only <br />those few properties fronting on or adjacent to said Creek; <br /> <br /> <br />