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RESOLUTION NO. ~8-8~ OF THE CITY CO~iCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI~TA <br /> ANA CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO SUBi¥~IT TO A VOTE OF THE <br /> REGISTERED ELECTORS 0F SAiD CITY A PROPOSITION TO CHANGE THE <br /> PURP0 SE ?OR '~:~-CH T!~ PROCEEDS FROiJi Tt~E SALE OF BONDS AUTHOR- <br /> IZED BY VOTE OF SAID ELECTORS gS '~BOND PROPOSITION NO. 4", ON <br /> APRIL 9, 1946, ~I©HT BE I~SED, FROI',~ II~PROVEi,iENT WORK ii'7 S~2{TIA.SO <br /> C~Et~( TO THE CONSTRUCTING OF A BUILDING TO HOUSE THE SANTA ANA <br /> POLICE DEPART~[ENT <br /> <br /> THE CITY CO'JNCIL 0F T[~ CITY OF SANTA ANA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLO~J~S: <br />'I~at a s0ecial election shall be called in the City of Santa Aha, <br />Caiifornia on the 3rd day of June, 19~8, for the purpose of submitting <br />to the electors of said City a proposition to approve the use of the <br />proceeds of the sale of ~12~,000.00, principal sum, of bonds issued <br />and sold by said City , after a vote approving the same under "Bond <br />Proposition _~,~o. 4"~ submitted at a special election held in said City <br />on April 9, 1946, for the designi~g, constructing and furnishing of a <br />building to house tae Santa Aha Police Department. Said original <br />"Bond Proposition No. 4" limited the use of the proceeds thereof to <br />the acquisition ~d construction by said City of works and structures <br />for the control of storm and flood waters of Santiago Creek in said <br />City, ssid works and structures to consist of retaining walls and pav- <br />ing of t~e channel of a portion of said Creek. It has now been deter- <br />mined by the Citer Council of the City of Santa Aha by Resolution No. <br />[8-84 that structures outside of the City of Santa Aha have so con- <br />trolled storm and flood waters in Santiago Creek, that the expenditure <br />of City funds would be impractical and unwise, snd would serve little <br />purpose except to bea~tify and improve said Creek channel for the bene- <br />fit of properties fronting on and adjacent to said Creek, and that a <br />structure to house the Santa Ana Police Department is a necessary and <br />urgent municipal improveraent which would be beneficial to said City <br />and the citizens thereof. <br /> <br /> BE IT FURT~iER RESOLVED: !~at said special election is called <br />under the authority of and for the purposes set forth in Government <br />Code Section 43,6~1 of the State of California. <br /> <br /> BE IT FURriER RESOLVED: That the City Council of the City of <br />Santa ~nla does hereby elect, request, and does hereby s~thorize the <br /> <br /> <br />