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RESOLUTION OF INTENTION-NO. kill <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, <br />DECLARING THEIR INTENTION TO ORDER THE INSTALLATION AND <br />CONSTRUCTION OF AN ORNAMENTAL LIGHTING SYSTEM ON PORTIONS <br />OF BISHOP STREET, W~AM AVENUE, WISTERIA PLACE, BEVERLY <br />PLACE, HAR~¥OOD PLACE, OAK STREET, KILSON DRIVE AND HICKORY <br />STREET; DECLARING THE SAID WORK TO BE OF MORE THAN LOCAL <br />OR ORDINARy PUBLIC BEN~FIT; DECLARING THE DISTRICT TO BE <br />BENEFITED BY SAID WORK AND IMPROVEMENT AND TO BE ASSESSEI~ <br />TO PAY THE COSTS AND EXPENSES THEREOF; DETERMINING THAT <br />BONDS SHALL BE ISSUED TO REPRESENT SAID COST~S AND EXPENSES <br />AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS TO <br />SAID WORK OR I~PROVE~NT, OR TO THE EXTENT OF THE DISTRICT <br />TO BE ASSESSED~ OR BOTH. <br /> <br /> The City Council of the City of Santa Ana, pursuant to the provisions of the <br />Improvement Act of 1911 and the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, and amendments to said <br />acts, do resolve as follows: <br /> <br /> Section 1. That the public interest and convenience requires and it is the <br />intention of the City Council of the City of San~a Ana, California, to order the con- <br />struction of the following described work and improvement in said City, to-wit: <br /> <br /> That the portions of streets in the City of Santa A~ upon which work shall be <br />done and improvements made as hereinafter set forth shall be upon and along those open <br />public streets commonly~known as and called Bishop Street from the West line of <br />Halladay Street to the East line of Orange Avenue; Wakeham Avenue from the West line of <br />Halladay Street to the East line of Orange Avenue; Wisteria Place from the West line of <br />Oak Street to the East line of Orange Avenue; Beverly Plac~ from the ~est line of <br />Halladay Street to the East line of Oak Street; Harwood Place from the West line of Oak <br />Street to the ~ast line of Maple Street; Oak Street from the South line of Bishop <br />Street to the North line of McFadden Street; Kilson Drive from the South line of Bishop <br />Street to the North line of Halladay Street; Hickory Street from the South line of <br />Bishop Street to the North line of McFadden Street. <br /> <br /> That ~he work to be done and improvements to be made upon and along the here- <br />in~b~ve described portions of streets in accordance with the plans and specifications <br />therefor on file in the office of the City Engineer shall be as follows: <br /> <br /> The furnishing, installation and construction of an ornamental lighting <br />system, together with the necessary appurtenances to said lighting system, including <br />the installation of single light standards of the type and kind known as The King <br />Ornamental Standard, Design No. K O-lOV complete with lighting units known as King <br />~minaire Company's Alumicon Cast Metal Lantern, (manufactured by the "Sant Slinger <br />Process" ; and including concrete foundations, anchor bolts, pot heads, wiring, lamps, <br />globes, canopies, conduits, cables and other necessary items to complete the lighting <br />system, including the making of necessary connections between standards and to the <br />existing circuits and service points, as particularly indicated on the plans and spec- <br />ifications; and the repairing or replacement of all paving, curbs, sidewalks, culverbs, <br />conduit, pipe line or sewer, or other improvements cut or damaged during the construct- <br />ion; together with such other work and improvement as shown on the plans and specificatl <br />which shall be considered as incidental to the above described work and improvement. <br /> <br /> That for the installation of the hereinbefore described system a patented <br />article will be used, and a license agreement between Western Lighting Company, s ellfng <br />Agents for King Company and King Luminaire Company, and the City of Santa Ana is now <br />on file in the office of the City Clerk, to which said agreement reference is hereby <br />made and the same is made a part of this resolution by reference the same as though set <br />forth in full herein. <br /> <br />~LANS~ PROFILES~ CROSS-SECTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS <br /> <br /> Section 2. All of the hereinbefore described streets, together with the fore- <br /> going work and improvements are fully set forth, delineated and described on the plans, <br /> profiles, cross-sections and detailed drawings known as "THE PLANS FOR ASSESSmeNT <br /> DISTRICT NO. 1VB", and as set forth in the specifications known as "THE SPECIFICATIONS <br /> FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1~8", which plans and specifications are on file in the <br />· office of the City Engineer, and were adopted by Resolution No. 2110 on the 15th day <br /> of July, 1929, by the City Council of the City of Santa Ana as the plans, profiles, <br /> cross-sections, detailed drawings and specifications for said work and improvement. <br /> Said plans, profiles, cross-sections, detailed drawings and specifications are referred <br /> to fo~ a full and detailed description of said work and improvement, the same as though <br /> set forth in full herein, and shall be directory as to the location of all work to be <br /> done, the kind of materials to be used and the type o~ construction. <br /> <br />CHANGE OF GRADE <br /> <br /> Section 3. That the grade to which the work shall be done and improvement <br />made which is provided for in this Resolution is shown on the profiles therefor, on <br />file in the office of the City Engineer, to which said profiles reference is hereby <br />made for the description of such grade, and it is hereby resolved by the City Council <br />of the City of Santa Ana that the grade shown on the plans and profiles is the official <br />grade to which the work herein ordered shall be done. <br /> <br />DESCRIPTION OF BONDS <br /> <br /> Section A. The said City Council does hereby declare and determine and notice <br />is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments and to bear interest <br />at the rate of six percent per annum will be issued hereunder in the manner provided in <br />the Imp~rovement Bond Act of 191§ , the last installment of which bonds shall mature <br />nine (~) years from the 2nd day of July next succeeding ten (10) months from their date. <br /> <br />~ns <br /> <br /> <br />