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RiESOLUTION NO. 59-207 RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 59-167 <br />AND CANCELING THE-'~LARATION OF INTENTION TO A~YNEX <br />TEP~RITORY DESIGNATED "TUSTIN AND FREEWAY N. W. ANNEX~ <br /> <br /> WItEREAS, heretofore on June 29, 1959, the City Council of the <br /> City of Ssnta Ana adopted Resolution No. ~9-167, initiating proceed- <br /> ings for the annexation of certain real property lying South of First <br /> Street and West of Tustin Avenue, and designated as an appropriate <br /> name for said annexation, "Tustin and Freeway, N. W. Annex"; and <br /> <br /> WHERIEAS, said Resolution was regularly published and property <br /> owners in said territory were notified by mail of the initiation pro- <br /> ceedings; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, on ~ he 13th day of July, 1959, the Planning Commission <br /> of the City of Santa Ana reco~aended to said City Council that said <br /> proceedings be held in abeyance to allow said Commission further time <br /> for study, and on July 27, 19%9, said Commission recommended that the <br /> proceedings to annex said territory be canceled aud not to proceed <br /> further; <br /> <br /> t~OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That theCity Council of the City <br /> of Santa Ana hereby rescinds, repeals and cancels Resolution No. 59- <br /> 167 and hereby cancels each and every step tsken heretofore to effect <br /> the annexation of th~ certain territory designated "Tustin and Pree- <br /> way N. W. Annex'P; cancels the hearing thereon heretofore set for <br /> August 17, 1959, and declares that said annexation prooeedings are <br /> hereby terminated ~ad are of no further force and effect. <br /> <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Clerk of the Council is di-- <br /> <br />rected to forthwith notify all persons to whom she sent nptic~e of the <br /> pendency of this annexation proceedings as property owners ~ thin <br /> said area, that said proceed~ugs have been terminnted and that the <br /> annexation hearing heretofore set for August 17, 19~9 has been can- <br /> celed and will not be held. <br /> <br /> PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City ~ Sant~ Ana <br /> <br /> ATTEST: <br /> <br /> · 'CLERK 0F THE COUNCIL <br /> <br /> <br />