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the said .~roes annual receipts, this franchise shall <br /> thereupon ter~inate and all rights therounder granted <br /> by said City shall thereupon cease, but the right of <br /> the City to ~nforce the collection of such percentage <br /> shall ren~ain, and the same may be enforced aocord~n~ to <br /> 1 aw. <br /> <br /> Section 8. That the said ~rantoe, its successors or <br /> assigns shall within ten (10) days after said fr~nohis~ <br /> is ~rant~d by this ordinance file with the Board of <br /> Trustees of the' City of Ssnt~ Aha, a bond running to the <br /> City with ~ood end sufficient surety to be auproved by the <br /> bo~d of Trustees tn the penal sum of Twenty-five Hundred <br /> ($~00) Dollars, conditioned that said ~rantee, its suc- <br /> cessors or assigns, shall w~ll and truly obsess and ful- <br /> fil and perforn: emch and every torm. and condition of said <br /> franchise, the whole amount of the penal s~ therein <br /> na:~ed shall be taken and deemed liquidated d~a~es,and <br /> shall be recoverable from the principal and s~eties upon <br /> said bond. <br /> <br /> If said bond be not so filed the ~rant of said franchi~ <br /> will be s~3t aside, and any money paid thereffor will be <br /> forfeited. <br /> <br /> But this franchise shall not in any ~anner be considered <br /> an exclusive franchise. <br /> <br /> Section 9. That ~id grantee or his or its successors <br />or assigns shall not sell, transfer or assijn said franchise <br />o~ any of the rights or privileges granted thereby without <br />the apDrovsl of said Board of Trustees, ~d n-o such sale' <br />shall be sons~m~ated exceEt by a duly executed instr~,ent tn <br />wrttin~ filed in the office of the Board of Trustees of the <br />City of Santa Aha; and nothing in said contract contained <br />shall be construed to ~ant the said grantee or his or its <br />successors or assigns any right to ~ ell, Zransfor or as- <br />sfjn said'franchise, or any off the ri2hts or privi-le2es <br />thereby ;ranted, except in the manner aforesaid. <br /> <br /> Section 10. That any neglect, failure or refusal to <br />comply with any of the conditions of said franchise, shall <br />thsreu?on i~m~ediately, ipso facto, effect a forfeit~e <br />thereof, and the City of Santa Aua by its Board of Trustees, <br />may therefore declare said franchise forfeited, and n~ay <br />exolud~ said ~rantee or his or its successors or assigns <br />fron~ ~urther us~ of the highways of said Oity of Sant~ Aua <br />under said franohise; and ssid gr~ntse or his or its suc- <br />ces~ors or assigu~ shall thereupon and i~n~edtately , sur- <br />render ~11 right in and to the s~me, and said frsnchise sh~l <br />be deemed and shall remain null, void and of no effect. <br /> <br /> Section 11. The Oity 01erk shall cause this 0rd~nance <br />te be published once in the "Santa Aha Bally ~ening <br /> <br /> <br />