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Qualified voters, vottn~ at said elect~on, in said <br /> city, bonds o:¢ said Oity of Santa Ana to be amount <br /> of $1~,000, Twelve Thousand Dollars principal, shall <br /> be issued for the pa:Truest of the cost of said fire <br /> improvements. Said bonds shall be 24 in nu~;ber ,for <br /> the sum of ~ive Humdred Dollars,, ($500) each, shall <br /> be serial in character, one twenty-fourth ?art of the <br /> principal of which shall be paid each year. Ail of <br /> said bonds shall be _dated the first day of January, <br /> <br /> 1914, a~d bear interest at the rate of five per <br /> <br /> cent per annum, intere~t payable sen:i-annually on the <br /> first day of July, and the first day of January, of <br /> each year after their issue until paid, principal and <br /> ~nterest pay~b±e ~'.,~ gold coin of the United States, at <br /> the office of the Treasurer of the City of Santa Ana, <br /> in said city. <br /> <br /> Section 7. Any, and all bonds issued for said <br /> municipa~ improvements in pkrsuance thereof, shall be <br /> sold in the manner h~*.reinafter provided by said Board <br /> of Trustees to the highest bidder therefor, for not <br /> less thin par *talus and for .~old coin of the United <br /> States, and the ~o&rd of Trustees of said city , shall <br /> at the time of fixin2 the ~eueral ~ax levy provided, <br /> levy and collect annually each year until said bonds are <br /> paid, or until there shall be a sun~ ~n the treasury of <br /> said city set apart for that purpose to m~et all sums <br /> eomin~ due for principal and interest on such bonds, a <br /> tax suffdcient to pay the annual interest on such bonds <br /> also such part of the principal ther.~of as shal~ beeov,~e <br /> due befor~ the time for fix~u~ the next sener~l tax <br /> levy. The taxes h?re'in required to be levied and collected <br /> Shall be in addition to all otLer taxes levied for <br /> municipal, purposes, and shall be collected at the s~me <br /> ti~,~e and in the same r.~ann~r as other ~_unicipal taxes a re <br /> collected and be used *or Ro'O~her purposes than for the <br /> payment of said bonds and aocruinj interest. <br /> <br /> Section 8. That the proposed indebtedness of $63,000 <br />for Water Works bonds and $1E,0$0 for Tire Departz~ent bonds <br />i~cludin$~all other indebtedness already incurred by said <br />city for municiiJ~al improvements ~vill not in the aEzrejate <br />~xoeed f~fte~n per cent of the ~s~essed value of all the <br />real and personal property of the Cit~ of Santa Aha. <br /> <br /> Section 9. Notice of said election contain~nj the <br />proposition to vote for or ajainst i~currdnj, said v,~unic~pal <br />indebtedness for Water Works and ~re Department, the names <br />of the ~nsp,otors, Jud.~es and two ol~r~s coust~.tutin$ the <br />l~ard of ~lection, a~pointe~ to conduct said election, the <br />t~me of opening and ~los~n, the polls and the L, ollinj <br /> <br /> <br />