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49 <br /> <br /> Treasurer of the City of Santa Ann. <br /> <br /> Section 6. Any and all bonds issued in pursuance hereof <br />shall bo sold in the manner provided for by tho Board of <br />TrL~teee to the hizhest bidder thereof, for not less than <br />their par value, for Gold ~o~n of the United States, and th~ <br />Bo~rd of Trustees of said city ~A1 at the time of fixing <br />the g~neral tax levy and in the manner for such jeneral tax, <br />levy provided , levy and collect annuml~y each year u~t~l <br />said bonds are paid, or until there shall be a sum. im the <br />treasury of said city set apart for that purp~se to meet <br />all sums com~nz due for principal and interest on such bonds, <br />a tax sufficient to pay the annual interest on such bonds, <br />and a~so such part of the principal thereof ~s shall become <br />due before the t~e for f~xing the next general tax le~J. <br /> <br /> The taxes'herein re~Auired to be leveled and'collected <br />shall be in addition to all other tax~s levied for municipal <br />purposes and shall be collected at the time and in the same <br />manner ~s other municipal taxss are collected and be issued for <br />no other purposes than the payment of said bonds and accruing <br />inter, st. Sa~d Board shall provide a fund for th~ receftion <br />of moneys derived from the sale of said prospective bonds and <br />also a sinkinz fund for any payment of prineipH1 and imterest <br />on bonds unpaid. <br /> <br /> Section 7. That the pro~osed indebtedness of Sixty- <br />three Thousand Dollars, ($6~,000) fo~ Water Works improvements <br />Grid Twslve Thousand Dollars, (~lS,000) for ~re Department <br />improvements, and evidenced by said bonds in the aggregate sum <br />of ~75,~0~ in addition to all other indebtedness alread]J in- <br />curred by said city for municipal improvements will not in the <br />ag~rejate exceed fifteen (15) per cent of the assessed valua- <br />tion o~ the real and personal property of the Oity of Santa <br />Ann. <br /> <br /> Section g. ~Re City Clerk is her~sby instructed to ad- <br />vertise ~or sale, all of said Water Works and Mire Departn~ent <br />bonds and to re~luire a certified check of five (8) per cent of <br />the amount of the bid from each person presentdnz a sealed <br />bid for the purchase of said bonds according to the notice ~ <br />be herea£ter i~ublishsd offsrinj said bond for sale. The Board <br />of Trustees is hereby authorized to sell all of said bonds or <br />a part of said bonds in each of the series, and it may sell <br />said bonds in allot~ente or may reserve a part of said bonds <br />for future sale as said Moard may deter~'~ine in said notice <br />to be hereafter given by said 01erk of said 0ity of Santa Ann. <br /> <br /> Section 9. Th* City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to <br />be published once in the "Evening ~lade" a newspaper printed, <br /> <br />pun~ished and generally circulated in said title, and thereupon <br />and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. <br /> <br /> <br />