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334 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE ORDERING IMPROVEMENT <br /> <br /> No. 775. <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY <br />OF SANTA ANA, ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT OF A CERTAIN NEW STREET <br />OR AVENUE, ~0 BE KNOWN AS VICTORIA DRIVE IN THE SAID CITY, BY <br />THE OPENING OF SAID STREET, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE OF IN- <br />TENTION NO. 767, AND ORDERING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO BRING AN <br />ACTION IN THE NAME OF THE MUNICIPALITY FOR THE CONDEMNATION OF <br />THE PROPERTY NEOESSARY OR CONVENIENT TO BE TAKEN THEREFOR <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, heretofore on the 16th day of March, 1925, <br />the Board of Trustees of the City of Santa Aha, duly and regu- <br /> <br />larly passed its Ordinance of Intemtion No. V6V, declaring the <br />intention of said Board of Trustees to order the opening of a <br />new street in the said City of Santa Ana, to be known as Victoria <br />Drive, said street to be eighty (80) feet wide, f~om Sant, Clara <br />Avenue in said City to Nineteenth Street in said City, forty <br /> <br />(40) feet on each side of the following described center line: <br /> <br /> Beginning at a point in the South line of Santa Clara <br />Avenue 463.5 feet Westerly from the West line of North Broadway, <br />thence Southerly parallel to the West line of North Broadway to <br />an intersection with the North line of West Nineteenth Street, <br />all of which is more particularly shown by reference to said Ordi- <br />nance of Intention No. ~6~; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, ~aid O~d~nan~ewas' d~uty'l~blished according <br />to law; and where,s, notices of the public work were duly posted <br />according to law and as ordered by Ordinance of Intention No.76~ <br />by the Street Superintendent of said City, as appears by the <br />affidavit of said Street Superintendent on file. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, said Street Superintendent caused a notice <br />similar in substance to the Notices so posted to be published by <br />two (2) insertions in the Santa Aha Daily Evening Register,a <br />daily newspaper, printed, published and circulated in said City <br />~f Santa Aaa, which newspaper was designated by said Board of <br />Trustees for that purpose, all in accordance with and as required <br />by the law; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the City Clerk mailed postal cards in the <br />manner and form required and directed by Ordinance of Intention <br />No. 767, and by the Street Opening Act of 1905; and whereas, at <br />the time and pl-c, set for protests, said City Clerk advised the <br />Board of Trustees that there were written protests in the form <br />required by law, against the said improvement; whereupon the <br />Board of Trustees continued the protests until the 27th day of <br />April, 1925, and upon that date again continued the hearing of <br />said protests until the 4th day of May, 192§~ and from the 4th <br />day of May, 1925, the protests were continued until the llth day <br />of May, 1925, at which time the City Attorney was instructed to <br />prepare the notices of hearing of said protests for May 25th, <br />1928, And upon May 25th, 1925, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. <br />being the day, and hour set for hearing said protests the Board <br />of Trustees after considering said protests overruled the same~ <br />and all of them; and <br /> <br /> <br />