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335 <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the time within which protests might be <br />filed against s-~ improvement has expired, and ali protests <br />having been overruled as above set forth: <br /> <br /> NOW THEREFORE, the Board of Truwtees of the City of <br />Santa Ana do ordain as follows: <br /> <br /> SECTION I. That the Board of Trustees of the City ol <br />Santa Aha hereby order the said improvement, to-wit, the openln <br />of Victoria Drive in said City, said Victoria Drive to be a <br />street eighty (80) feet wide in said City from Santa Clara Ave- <br />nue to Nineteenth Street, and being ~orty (40) feet on each sid, <br />of the following described center line: <br /> <br /> Beginning at a point in the South line of Santa <br /> Clare Avenue 483.§ feet Westerly from the West line <br /> of North Broadway, thence Southerly parallel to the <br /> West line of North Broadway to an intersection with <br /> the North line of West Nineteenth Street, all as set <br /> forth and in accordance with the provisions of Ordi- <br /> nance No. V6V of said City. <br /> <br /> SECTIO~ II. Said Board of Trustees hereby directs an <br />action to be brought by the City Attorney of said City of Santa <br />Ana, in the proper Court, to-wit, the Superior Court of the <br />County or Orange, State of California, in the name of the muni- <br />cipality, to-wit, the City of Santa Aha, for the condemnation <br />of the property necessary or convenient to be taken for such <br />improvement. <br /> <br /> SECTION III. Reference is hereby made to said Ordi- <br />nance No. V67 for a description of the property convehient or <br />necessary to be taken for such improvement, and for the assess- <br />ment district to ~e assessed for such improvement. <br /> <br /> SECTION IV. Said action must be brought within slxt <br />(60) days after the passage of th~ Ordinance, but the City Cou <br />cil may, by ordinance, extend the time for an additional period <br />not exceeding nl~,ty (90) days; said action to be brought in <br />accordance with an Act of the State of California~ known as the <br />Street Opening Act of 1903, and amendments thereto. <br /> <br /> SECTION V. The City Clerk shall certify the pasaage <br />of this Ordinance, and shall cause the same to be published by <br />three (3) insertions in the Santa Ana Daily Evening Register, a <br />daily newspaper published and circulated in the City of Santa <br />Ana, and designated by the Board of Trustees of said City for <br />that purpose, and thirty (30) days thereafter it shall take <br />effect and be in force. <br /> <br /> The above Ordinance was introduced on the 2Sth day o: <br />May, 1925, and adopted on the 1st day of June, 1995, by the fol- <br /> <br />lowing vote, to-wit: <br /> <br /> Ayes, Trustees C.H. <br /> F.L. <br /> <br /> Noes, Trustees None <br /> Absent, Trustees J.W. <br /> <br />Chapman, Geo McPhee, E.B. <br />Purinton <br /> <br />Tubb s <br /> <br />Collier, <br /> <br /> The above and foregoing Ordinance is signed by me <br />this 1st day of June i <br /> <br /> <br />