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340 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. VVd. <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, REGULATING <br />THE USE, DISCHARGE, SALE, POSSESSION AND CUSTODY OF FIRE WORKS <br />A~D FIRE-CRACKERS. <br /> <br /> The Board of Trustees of the City of Santa Ana do <br />ordain as follows: <br /> <br /> SECTION I. No person or persons, firm, company, <br />corporation or association, shall at any time fire, discharge <br />or explode, or cause to be fired, discharged or exploded, any <br />blank cartridge, anvil, cannon, bomb cannon, rocket, fire- <br />cracker, Roman candle, squib, colored fire, torpedo, mine, torch, <br />or fireworks or fire crackers of any kind whatsoever, or by <br />whatever name known, within the incorporated limits of the City <br />of Santa Aha, provided that the use of fireworks at public dis- <br />plays of fireworks in the said incorporated City of Santa Ana, <br />as may be given wi~h the written consent of the Board of Trus- <br />tees of the City of Santa Ana first having been obtained, shaI1 <br />not be unlawful, and provided further that the ~urning of spark- <br />lers and the discharge of cap pistols shall not be unlawful. <br /> <br /> SECTION Il. No person or persons, firm, company, <br />corporation or association shall sell or offer for sale, or have <br />in his or their or its custody or possession, shy of the articles <br />specified hereinabove in Section I of this Ordinance, or any arti- <br />cle of pyrotechnical display within the incorporated city terri- <br />tory of the City of Santa Aha, provided that manufacturers of <br />fireworks n,ay store and sell the same for use outside of the City <br />of Santa ~.a, or for use in such public dlsplsys of fireworks <br />within the incorporated City of Santa Aha, as msy be given with <br />the written consent first had and obtained from the Board of <br />Trustees of the City of Santa Ana; and provided further, that <br />the custody or possession or transportation of fireworks within <br />the incorporated territory of the City of Santa Ana for use at a <br />public display of fireworks in the incorporated City of Santa Ana, <br />held with the written consent of the Board of Tr~stees of the <br />aid City, shall not be unlawful; and provided further, that this <br />Section shall not hpply to sparklers, cap pistols or caps for <br />the same. <br /> <br /> SECTION Ill. Any person or persons, firm, company, <br />corporation or association who or which shall violate any of the <br />provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, <br />and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not <br />exceeding Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in <br />the County Jail for a period not exceeding three (3~ months, or <br />by both such fine and imprisonment. <br /> <br /> SECTION IV. The Board ~rther ordains that this ordi- <br />nance shall supersede any and all ordinances heretofore passed <br /> <br /> <br />