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in connection with the use, discharge, sale, possession and cus- <br />tody of fireworks and fire-crackers, and that all ordinmces or <br /> <br />parts of <br />repealed. <br /> <br />ordinances <br /> <br />SECTION V. <br /> <br />conflict with this ordinance, are hereby <br /> <br />The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance <br /> <br />to be published three (33 times in the Santa Ana Daily Evening <br />Register, a daily newspaper of general circulation, published <br />and circulated in the said City, and it shall take effect thirt~ <br />(30) days after the date of first publication thereof. <br /> <br /> The above <br />the 29th day of June, <br />1925, <br /> <br /> and foregoing Ordinance was introduced on <br /> <br /> 1925, and adopted on the 6th day of July, <br />by the following vote, to-wit: <br /> <br />Ayes, Trustees C.R. Chapman, Geo McPhee, E.B. <br /> F.L. Purinton, J.W. Tubbs <br /> <br />Noes, TRustees None <br />Absent, TrUstees None <br /> <br />Collier, <br /> <br /> J. W. TubbS <br />F~eSident of the Board of Trustees <br />of the City of Santa &ua <br /> <br />Attest: I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was <br />passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Santa <br />Ana, and approved by the President thereof at a regular meeting <br />held on the 6th day of July, 1925. <br /> <br />(SE^L) <br /> <br /> E. L. Ve~elM <br />~ity Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the <br />Board of Trustees of the City of ~taAna <br /> <br /> <br />