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O~DINANCE No. VS1. <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA, FIXING <br />THE AMOUNT OF MONEY ASCERTAINED TO CARRY ON THE VARIOUS <br />D~ARTYENTS OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, AND TO R~Y THE BONDED <br />INDEBTEDNESS FALLING ~UE FOR THY CURRENT 5EAR 192§-1928, <br />AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXATION FOR T~E CURRENT YEAR 1925-1928, <br />DESIGNATING THE NUMBER OF CENTS ON EACH $100.00 FOR TN~7 VARIOUS <br />FUNDS OF SAID CITY, ON THP WHOLE OF THE TAXABLE PROPERTY OF <br />SAID CITY AS SET BY THE COUNTY ASSESSOR OF THE COUNTY OF <br />ORANGE, STATE OF CAI. Ii~ RNIA, AND EQUALIZED BY THE BOARD OF <br />SUPra RVISORS OF SAID COUNTT, AND HEREBY L~VI~D ON THE WHOLE OF <br /> <br />THE TAXABLE PROPERTY OF SAID CITY. <br /> <br />The Board of Trustees of the <br />California, does or4ain as follows, <br /> <br />city of Santa Ann, <br />to wit: <br /> <br /> THAT WHEREAS, the City of Santa Aoa, California, did on <br />the 28th day of December, 1914, by Ordinance elect and determine <br />to avail itself of the provisions of the Act of the 2~th day of! <br />March, 1898, and subsequent amendments thereto relative to the <br />assessment and collection of taxes for the municipal corporation <br />of tbs City of Santa Ana, California, and did in accordance <br />therewith on or about said date file with the Auditor of Oranke <br />County, California, a ~erifled copy of said Ordinance per- <br />taining thereto as Drcvtded by ].aw: <br /> <br /> AND WHEREAS, the County Auditor of the County of Orange, <br />State of California, on the Wth day of August, 1928, filed <br />his statement in writing with the Board of Trustees of the City <br />of Santa Ana, California, showing the total value of ali prop- <br />erty within the corporate limits ~r the ~,ear 1925-1926, as <br />equalized and collected by the Board of Supervisors of Orange <br />County, California, and fixed the sum as shown by the assess- <br />ment rolls for said year at $1V,102,530.00, exclusive of <br />operative property, and whereas, the amount of money asoertaine~ <br />and limed to carry on the various departments of the city of <br />Santa Aha, and to pay the bonded indebtedness falling due <br />for the current ~ear 1925-1926 is tbs fixed sum of <br />$290,V4~.01; ~nd whereas, said sum is to be apportioned among <br />the various departments of the said City of Santa Ana, and <br />nlaced in the General and special funds to pay current <br />municipal expenses on the assessed value of all the real and <br />personal nroperty within such municipality over and above the <br />several sums to he raised as provided by law. <br /> <br /> SECTION 1. That the total valuation of the taxable <br />property of the City of Santa Ana of $1V,102,5~0.00 shall be <br />used as a basis for the levy of the taxes of the City of <br />Santa Ana, California, and the C6unty of Orange, Stats of <br /> <br />California, at the same time and <br />levies are made and collected. <br /> <br /> SECTION 11. That the rate <br /> <br />in the same manner county <br /> <br />of taxation for municipal <br /> <br />purposes and to pay the bonded indebtedness andinterest of <br />the City of Santa Aha, California, for the current year 1925- <br />1926 is hereby fixed at $].~0 on tbs taxmble property of said <br />City and that said amount of $290,743.01 in the a~gregate and <br /> <br /> <br />