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the rate sum of $1.V0 on each $100.00 of the taxable <br />property of said City Is hereby levied upon all the taxable <br />property as ascertained by the County Assessor and equalized <br />by the Board of Supervisors of 0rmge County, California, <br />as aforesaid, and which said rate so fixed shall be apportioned ~ <br />among special funds to pay the current expenses, bonded <br />indebtedness and interest and other indebtedness of said City, <br />falling due for the current fiscal year 1925-1926, and other <br />several sums to be raised as fixed and provided by law, as <br />full, s, towit: <br /> <br /> For the General Fund $0.45 on each $100.00 of the taxable <br />property of said city. <br /> <br /> For the Street Fund $0.30 on each $100.00 of the taxable <br />property of said City. <br /> <br /> For Sewer Fund $0.05 on each $100.00 of the taxable <br />property of said City. <br /> <br /> For tbs Fire Fund $0.20 on each $100.00 of the taxable <br />property of said City. <br /> <br />For Parks $0.01 on each $100.00 of the taxab2e property of said <br />City. <br /> <br /> For Advertising $0.01 on each $100.00 of tbs taxab]e <br />property of said City. <br /> <br /> For Music $0.01 on each $100.00 of the taxable property <br /> <br /> of said City. <br /> <br /> For the Library Fund $0.15 on each $100.00 of the taxable <br /> property of said City. <br /> <br /> For the North Flower Street Bridge Bonded Indebtedness <br /> <br />Fund $0.00~5 on each $100.00 of the taxable property of said city. <br /> <br /> For the North Main Street Brld~e Bonded Indebtedness Fund <br /> $0.016 on each ~100.00 of the taxable property of said City. <br /> <br /> For the Water Works Bonded Indebtedness Fund, 2nd issue, <br /> $0.0~ on each $100.00 of the taxsb]e property of said City. <br /> <br /> For the Water ~orks Bonded Indebtedness Fund, ~rd issue, <br /> $0.008 on each $100.00 of the taxable property of said C~ty. __ <br /> <br /> For the Water Works Bonded Indebtedness Fund, 4th issue, <br /> $0.025 on each $100.00 of the taxable pronerty ~f said city. <br /> <br /> For the Water Works Banded Indebtedness Fund, 5th issue, <br /> $0.018 on each $100.00 of the taxable property of said City. <br /> <br /> For the Sewer ~onded Indebtedness No. 1 Fund, $0.016 <br /> <br /> on each $100.00 of the taxable propertr of said City. <br /> <br /> For the Sewer BOnded Indebtedness No. 2 Fund, $0.015 <br /> <br /> on each $100.00 of the taxable ?roperty of said City. <br /> <br /> For the Fire Department <br />$0.006 on each $100.00 of the <br /> <br /> For the Fire Department <br /> <br />Bonded Indebtedness No. 1 Fund, <br /> <br />taxable property of said City. <br />Bonded Indebtedness No. 2 Fund, <br /> <br />$0.02~5 on each $100.00 of the taxable pronerty of said City. <br /> <br />For City ~all Bonds No. 2 Bonded Indebtedness Fund, <br />$0.008 on each ~100.00 of the taxable property of said City. <br /> <br /> <br />