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For Street A~psratus Bonds, Bonded Indebtedness Fund, <br />$0.008 on each $100.00 of the taxable property of said City. <br /> <br /> For Street Improvement Bonds, North Main Street <br />Bonded Indebtedness Fund, $0.018 on each $100.00 of the <br />taxable property of said City. <br /> <br /> For Street Improvement Bonds, East First Street Bonded <br />Indebtedness Fund, $0.0055 on each $100.00 of the taxable <br />property cf said City. <br /> <br /> For Street Improvement Bonds, Bristol Street Bonded <br />Indebtedness Fund, $0.0055 on each $100.00 of the taxable <br />property of said City. <br /> <br /> For School Streets Improvement Bonds, Bonded <br />Indebtedness Fund, $0.0225 on each $100.00 of the taxable <br />property of said City. <br /> <br /> For Street Improvement Bonds, Culverts, 8rd and 4th <br />Streets, Bonded Indebtedness Fund. $0.00~ on each $100.00 <br />of the taxable property of said City. <br /> <br /> For Santa Aha Main ESwer Line Bonds $0.0V25 on each <br />$100.00 of the taxable property of said City. <br /> <br /> For Joint Outfall Sewer Bonds, $0.0825 mn each $100.00 <br />of the taxable property of said City. <br /> <br />For Water Works Bonded Indebtedness Fund, 6th issue, <br />$0.0V55 on each $100.00 of the taxable property of said City. <br /> <br /> For Electric Fire Alarm System Bond Fund $0.016 on <br />$100.00 of the taxable property of said City. <br /> <br /> For East Fire Engine House Bond Fund $O.OOV on each <br />$100.00 of the taxable prooerty of said City. <br /> <br /> For West Fire ~n~ne Mouse Bon~ Fund $O.OOV on e~ch <br />$100.00 of the taxable property of said City. <br /> <br /> For Fire Apparatus Bond Fund, $0.01~ on each $100.00 <br />of the taxable property of said C~ty. <br /> <br /> For '~,est Fifth Street Improvement Bond Fund $0.016 on <br />each $100.00 of the taxable prooerty of said City. <br /> <br /> Section VIII. The City Clerk is hereby instructed <br /> <br />to submit a certified copy of this Ordinance to the County <br />Auditor of Orange County, California, on or before the let <br />day of September, 1~28. <br /> <br /> SECTION IV. The City Clerk shall ca,se this Ordinance <br />to be published three ti~es in tbs Santa Aha Dai~y Evening <br />Register, a newspaper printed and published and generally <br />clrculated in the City of Santa Ana, and hereby designated <br />for the pUblication of this Ordinance. <br /> <br /> The above ordinance passed, a~ted and approved this <br />~lst day of August, 1~28, by the following vote, to-wit: <br /> <br /> Ayes: Trustees C.H. Chapman, Geo. McPhee, <br /> E.B.Co~lier, F.L.Purinton. <br /> <br /> Noes: Trustees None. <br /> <br /> Absent: Trustee J.W.Tubbs. <br /> <br /> <br />