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8th day of September, 192§, and signed and approved by its <br /> <br />President on the 8th day of September, 1925. <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br /> E.L.Vesel~ <br />Clerk of the City of ~anta Ana ' <br />and ex-officio clerk of the Board <br />of Trustees of the City of Santa <br /> Aha, California. <br /> <br />By Rub~ E.Bush Deputy. <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. V83. <br /> <br /> AN ORDINi~CE OF TNE CITY OF SANTA ANA, CAI,IFORNIA, <br />PROVIDING THE MANNER OF ADVERTISING FOE BIDS FO~ CITY PRINTING <br />AND ~.DVERTISING, AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT T_~E_~EFOR. <br /> <br /> The Board of Trustees of the City of Santa Ana, do <br />ordain as follows: <br /> <br /> SECTION I. It is hereby made the duty of the City <br />Clerk, annually on the 15th day of July, of each year hereaft~ <br />to cause a notice to be published in the newspaper then doing <br />the public advertising under contract from said City, if any <br />there be, and if not, in a newspaper published in said city, <br />inviting sealed proposals to do the City printing for the city <br />for the year commencing on the first Monday of the mont~ of <br />August theresfter. <br /> <br /> SECTION II. Said notice sha].~ state that such sealed <br />proposals will be invited and received up to five o'clock P.M. <br />of the first Monday in the month of August thereafter. <br /> <br /> SECTION III. It is hereby made the duty of the head <br />of each department of the City of Santa Aha, C~lifornis, annu- <br />ally on the 10th day of ~ly of each year hereafter, to furnf~ <br />to the City Clerk an itemized list .f the items of printed <br />matter respired by the said departments for the ensuing year, <br />with the quantity of each item therein contained set forth, <br />and to append to the said estimate a sample copy of each of <br />the said items listed therein. <br /> <br /> SECTION IV. The said notice published by the said <br />City Clerk as above set forth shsll invite proposals For the <br />classes of work of printing furnished in quantities as per <br />the figures submitted to the Clerk by the heads of each de- <br /> <br />partment. <br /> <br />SECTION V. <br />Clerk annually on the <br /> <br />It is hereby made the duty of the City <br /> <br />15th day of July of each year. hereafter, <br /> <br />to cause a notice to be published in the newspaper then doing <br />the public advertising under contract with said City, if any <br /> <br /> <br />