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350 <br /> <br />there be, and if not, in a newepsper published in sai~ City, <br />inviting sealed proposals to do the City advertising for the <br />City, for the year commencing on the first ~onday in August <br />thereafter. <br /> <br /> SECTION VI. Sai~ notice shall state that such <br />sealed proposals ~ha]l be invited and received up to five <br />o'clock P.M. of the ~irst Nonday in the month of August <br />thereafter., and that separate proposals shall be received on <br />the work of printing and advertising. <br /> <br /> SECTION VII. S~td notice published by said City <br />Clerk shall invite proposals for the following classes of <br />advertising, to-wit: 0rdln~nces, Resolutions, Notices, and <br />ali other city advertising <br /> <br /> SECTION VIII. At the meeting of the Board of Trus- <br />tees of the City of Santa An~, fixed for the presentation of <br />the said proposals for the printing and advertising, the <br />Board of Trustees shall open end examine such proposals, and <br />shall award the contract for all the printing separate from <br />the contract for advertising to the lowest bidder therefor, <br />and the said Board may reject any and all bids presented and <br />re-advertise in its discretion upon two weeks' not~ce as afore <br />said. All advertising shall be done in a newspaper printed <br />and published in said City. <br /> <br /> SECTION IX. The Board of Trustees shall require <br />from the successful bidders to whom the contract for the <br />printing and the advertising are awarded a bond for the felth- <br />ful perfor~nance of the work of ~dvertlsing and printing in ~n <br />amount to be fixed in the discretion of the Board. <br /> <br /> SECTION X. The City Clerk shall certify to the <br />passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published <br />three (5) times in the Santa Aha Daily Evening Register, a <br />newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in <br />the City of Santa Aha, California, and the same shsl~ take <br />effect and be in force from and after the date of first pub- <br />lication. <br /> <br /> The above Ordinance passed <br />day of September, 1925, <br /> <br /> Ayes, Trustees <br /> <br /> by <br /> <br /> C.H. Chapman, <br /> Collier, F.L. <br /> <br />Noes, Trustees None <br /> <br />~bsent, Trustees None <br /> <br /> and adopted this 14th <br />the following vote: <br /> <br /> Geo McPhee, E.B. <br /> Purinton, J.W. Tubbs <br /> <br />Approved this 14th day of September, 1925. <br /> <br /> J. W. Tubbs <br />President of the Board of Trustees <br />of the City of Santa Aha, California. <br /> <br /> <br />