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357 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE N0. '786 <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, BY ITS BOARD OF TRUSTEES <br /> <br />AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY THEREOF, CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN CERTAIN <br />INHI~BITED TERRITORY, CONTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTINi <br />TO THE ELECTOI~S OF SAID TERRITORY, THE QUESTION OF WHETHER OR NOT THAT CER- <br />TAIN INHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED, SHALL BE ANNEXED TO, INCORPORATED IN, <br />AND MADE A PART OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA; DESIGNATING THE SAID TERRITORY <br />AS THE WESTERN DELHI AREA; AN]D FIXING A DATE ON WHICH SUCH ELECTION SHALL <br />BE HELD, DETERMINING THE MANNER OF HOLDING SUCH ELECTION, DESIGNATING A <br />SPECIAL ELEGTION PRECINCT, INCLUIENG ALL OF SAID TERRITORY, NANING ELECTIOB <br />OFFICERS THEREFOR, AND FIXING THEIR COMPENSATION, DIRECTING NOTICE TO BE <br />GIVEN, AS REQUIRED BY LAW, AND PROVIDING THAT IN ALL PARTICULARS NOT SET <br />FORTH IN THIS ORDINANCE, SUCH ELECTION SHALL BE HELD IN THE ~iANNER PROVIDER <br />BY :LAW FOR HOLDING MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN THE CITY OF SANTA ANA. <br /> <br /> That Whereas, heretofore and on the 21st day of September, 1925, <br />there was filed with the Clerk of this Board, the verified petition of more <br />than one-fourth (3) in number of the qualified electors residing within <br />certain inhabited territory, described therein, and contiguous and adjacent <br />to the corporate limits of the City of Santa Ana, and praying that said <br />territory be annexed to and become a part of said City in accordance with <br />the provisions of the "Annexation Act of 1913", and amendments thereto, <br />otherwise known as the General Laws o£ the State of California, and known <br />as Act No. 5159, General Laws of 1923. <br /> <br /> Said area of land shall, for the purposes set forth in this Ordi- <br />nance, be referred to as the Western Delhi Area, and is legally described <br />as follows, to-wit: <br /> <br /> Beginning at the intersection of the center line of South Main <br />Street with the center line of Edinger Street, said point being the North- <br />east corner of the Southeast one-quarter (SE~) of the Northeast one-quarter <br />(NE~) of Section 24, Township Five South Range Ten West, S.B.B. & M., said <br />point being also an angle point on the boundary line of the City of Santa <br />Ana; thence Southerly along the boundary line of the City of Santa An~ and <br />a Southerly continuation thereof along the center line of South Main Street <br />to an intersection with the center line of Delhi Road, said intersecting <br />point being the Southeast corner of the said Section 24; thence Westerly <br />along the center line of Delhi Road to an intersection with the center line <br />of South Bristol Street, said intersecting point being the Southwest corner <br />of the said Section 24; thence Northerly along the center line of South <br />Bristol Street, to an intersect~ion with the center line of Edinger Street, <br />said point being also an angle point on the.boundary line of the City of <br />Santa Ana; thence South 89 degrees 34 minutes East along the boundary lin~ <br />of the City of Santa Aha a distance of 2591.30 feet; thence South 89 de- <br />grees 44 minutes 45 seconds East along the boundary line of the City of <br />Santa Ana a distance of 2660.23 feet to the point of beginning. <br /> <br /> And Whereas, said petition has been duly certified by the proper <br />official, showing that the qualified electors residing within the terri~or <br />described therein, and certifying that the signatures appearing on said <br />petition constitute more than one-fourth (3) of the qualified elect~s, re <br />siding in said territory as shown by the books and papers of registration <br />of electors of Orange County, California, on the d ate of the filing of sai~ <br />petition, and the Board of Trustees of the City of Santa Ana hereby finds <br />that fact to be true. <br /> <br /> And Wherea~, by virtue of the provisions of the said law pertain. <br />ing to bhe annexation of inhabited terrigory, when such a petition ~ in <br /> <br /> <br />