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due form and bearing sufficient signatures as required by law, said <br /> Board must without delay call a special election and submit to the elec- <br /> tors residing in the territory proposed by such petition to be annexed <br /> to such city, the question whether such territory shall be annexed to, <br /> incorporated in, and made a part of such municipal corporation. <br /> <br /> Now Therefore, the Board of Trustees of the City of Santa <br /> <br /> Ana, as the Legislative Body thereof, ordains as follows: <br /> SECTION I. <br /> <br /> That a special election is hereby called and ordered to be <br />held at and within the inhabited territory, herein described, on the <br /> <br />9th day of Feb., 1926, for the purpose of submitting to the electors re- <br />siding within said Inhabite~ territory, and at which special election <br />there shall be and is hereby submitted to the electors of said district <br />the question of whether or not said new and inhabited territory shall be <br />annexed to, incorporated in~ ahd.~a~e a part ~f the City of Santa Ana, <br />and which new and inhabited territory is that territory heretofore in <br />this ordinance described and referred to as the Western Delhi Area, and <br />is repeated in this section by reference to the former description for <br /> <br />all purposes as though set forth in full again. <br /> SECTION II. <br /> <br /> Fo~ the purpose of this special election the aforedescribed <br />territory is incorporated in one special election precinct, and composed <br />of the entire tract of land incorporated therein and shall be known <br />and described aS special election precinct No. I. <br /> <br /> The said special election shall be held at and in said special <br />election precinct No. I, at the brick building of C.M. Isaacson, located <br />at 2028 S. Main, and within the said territory proposed to be annexed. <br /> <br /> A Board of Election is hereby appointed in and for said special <br />election precinct No. I, to consist of one inspector, two Judges and three <br />clerks, each of whom is an actual resident of said special election Pre- <br />cinct No. I, and a registered qualified elector of said special election <br />precinct, and said Board shall be composed as follows: <br /> <br />Inspector: W.C. Wieland Clerk: Mrs. Hilda W. Knox <br />Judge: Joel J. Mendenhall Clerk: Mrs. Nona =ohnson <br />Judge: Arthur M. Blandlng Clerk: Parkel J. Adams <br /> <br /> SECTION III. <br /> <br /> The Board of Election hereinbefore appointed shall, in the <br />special election precinct No. I, for which they are appointed, hold, con- <br />duct, and make returns of said special election, on the date hereinbe- <br /> <br />fore in this o~dinance set forth, and each member of s aid Board of Elec- <br />tion appointed shall receive as remuneration for his or her services as <br />an el'ection officer, the sum of Five Dollars ($§.O0). <br /> <br /> SECTION IV. <br /> <br /> The polls at the polling place hereinbefore designated and <br />established in said special election precinct No. I, must be opene~ at <br />six o'clock A.M. (6:0OA.M.) of the day of election, and must be kept open <br />until seven o'clock P.M. (7:00 P.M.) of the same day, when the polls shall <br /> <br /> <br />