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359 <br /> <br />be closed, except as provided for in Section No. 1164 of the Political <br /> <br />Code of the State of California. <br /> SECTION V. <br /> <br /> In all particulars not set forth in this Ordinance, said special <br />election shall be held and conducted as provided by law for the holding of <br />municipal elections in Section 1044 cf the Political Code of the State of <br /> <br />California, governing special elections. <br /> SECTION VI. <br /> <br /> Each and all qualltifed electors residing within the territory <br />heretofore described, are hereby invited to vote, at eaid special election <br />upon the proposition of altering the boundaries of said City and annexing <br />said new and inhabited territory to the City of Santa Aha, and incorpora~- <br />ing the eaid territory to the City of Santa Aha, and incorporating the sai¢ <br />territory therein and making it a part of said City of Santa Ana by making <br />their ballots, "For Annexation" or "Against Annexation" and said proposi- <br /> <br />tion shall be submitted by printed ballot. <br /> SECTION VII. <br /> <br /> The Clerk of the City of Santa Ana shall give notice of said <br />special election by publlshing~sald notice in the Orange Daily News, a <br />daily newepaper printed and published in the City of Orange; said city be- <br />ing within the County of Orange, where said territory is located and out- <br />side the City of Santa ~na, once each week for a period of four weeks next <br />preceding the 9th day of Feb., 1926, the date of s aid special election. <br /> <br /> Said notice shall state in general terms, that it is proposed to <br />incorporate the territory sought to be annexed as a part of the City of <br />Santa Aha, and invite the electors residing within the said territory to <br />vote upon eaid proposition, as is elsewhere in this ordinance provided. In <br />said notice the territory sought to be annexed shall be generally descrfbe~ <br />in such manner as to apprise the voters of the particular land sought to be <br />annexed and shall designate the voting precinct and the place and time at <br />which the polls shall be opened, the name and office of the election offi- <br /> <br />cers hereinbefore appointed, and the date of said election. <br /> SECTION VIII. <br /> <br /> The officers of euch special election shall immediately upon the <br />closing of the polls count the ballots, make up and certify the return of' <br />the ballots cast and shall as' quickly ae possible, in the manner provided <br /> <br />by law, deposit said returns with the Clerk of the City of Santa Ans. <br /> SECTION IX. <br /> <br /> The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be published three <br />times in the Santa Aha Daily Evening Register, a daily new~paper published <br />and circulated in the City of Santa Aha, California, which paper is hereby <br />designated for that purpose. This ordinance being an Ordinance calling and <br />otherwise relating to an election, the same shall go into effect and be in <br /> <br />force from and after its passage, approval and publication. <br /> SECTION X. <br /> <br /> The above described property sought to be annexed shall be desig- <br />nated for the purpose of convenience, as "Western Delhi Area." <br /> <br /> <br />