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corporation of the City~o~ Santa Anal- as provided in "Nuunexatlon Act <br /> of 1913",~ said Act being n~mbered 5159, General Laws of 19~3, and <br /> e~nt~tled "An Ac~ of. ?~ovide ~f~r the Alteration of the Boundarles of <br /> and for the Annexation of Terri~or~ Dn and as a part thereof, and for <br /> the DistrI~cting,. Government and Nunlclpal Control of Such Annexed <br /> Territory", aDpr'oved June ~lth, 19~3., and subsequent amendments thereto. <br /> <br /> The legal d~sorlptlon of said land and exterior boundaries <br /> thereof are as follows, to,wit: <br /> <br /> Be~inniz~g at the intersection of the center llne of South <br /> Naln Street~Ith the center line'of-Ed!nger Street, s~id polnt, being <br /> the Northeast corner of the Southeast one-quarter {S.~.~) of t~e <br /> Northeast one-quarter (N.E.~) of Section ~, Township Five South~ <br /> Range Ten West S.B.B. & N., said.point being also and angle point on <br /> the bound~ry llne or the City of Santa Ana; thence Southerly also <br /> the boundary line of the City of Santa Ana and a Southerly c~ntinua- <br /> tion thereof ~long the center l~ne of South Naln Street to an inter- <br />section with the center line of Delhi Road, sal~ Intereecting point <br /> being the Southeast corner of thews.aid Section ~4; thence Westerly <br /> along the center line of Delhi Road to an interwmeCtlon with the cen- <br /> ter 1. ine of South Bristol Street, said intersecting point being the <br /> Southwest corne~ of thesald Section ~4; thence Northerly along the <br /> center llne of South Bristol Street, to an intersection with the cBnter <br /> llne of Edinger Street, said point being also an angle point on the <br /> boundary llne of the City of Santa Ana; thence South 89 degrees 34 <br /> minutes East slong the bo~nudary line of the City of Santa Aha a distance <br /> of ~591~30 feet;~thence South 89 degrees ~ minutes ~5 seconds East <br /> along the boundary line of the City of Santa Ana a distance of ~880.~3 <br /> feet to the point of beginning. <br /> <br /> And R~ereas, h~retofore the Board of Trustees of the Cit~ of <br />Santa Ana, has determined that the petition requesting the annexation <br />of said described territory Showed that each and all the signers were <br />registered and qualified electors residing within the bo~udaries of <br />said descrt~bed ter¥~tory at the date of the filing of the aforesaid <br />petition, and bhat Fred W. Gohren'and the other signers of said peti- <br />tion re~resente8 more than One-fourth of all the qualified electors <br />within the said. territory soughb to'-~e annexed to the City of Santa <br />Ana, California. <br /> <br /> And V~ereas, the Board subsequent thereto did on the twenty- <br />first day of December, 19~5, by Ordinance No. 788, duly passe~ adopted <br />and approved, and attested by the Clerk and published as provided by <br />law, proclaim and order an election to be he~d in the describe~ terri- <br />tory on the ninth day of February, 19~6, and providing in esi8 Ordi- <br />nance the time ~nd manner of holding said eIe etlon an8 of the publica- <br /> <br /> tion of notice calling the ~ame and that said notice was duly published <br /> as provided by law and was duly had an8 given by publication in the <br /> "Orange Daily News", a daily newspaper of 6eneral circulation and pub- <br /> Ilshed within the County of Orange, State of California, and without <br /> the corporate limits of the City of Santa Ana, as provided in said <br /> 0~tnance; <br /> <br /> And ~ereas, said election having been duly held at the time <br />~nd in the manner provided by law and the returne from said election <br />having been duly made and filed with this Board on the 9th day of Febru- <br />ary, 1~8, at the first regular meetinE of said Board more than three <br />days subsequent to Said election to canvass the vote of said election <br />in open Council, and wherein it was found that more than a majority <br />of all the votes cast at said election were cast in favor of the <br />annexation of the said territory, that the same be incorporated in and <br /> <br /> <br />