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intersection with a line drawn parallel to and distant 330 feet <br />Southerly from the center line of said Chapman Avenue; thence Easter- <br />ly along said last mentioned line a distance of 264 feet to a point; <br />thence Northerly along a line drawn parallel to and distant 182.82 <br />feet Westerly from the center line of said North Main Street to an <br />intersection with the Southerly line of said Chapman Avenue; thence <br />Easterly along the Southerly line c~ Chapman Avenue to an intersec- <br />tion with the Westerly line of said North Main Street; thence South- <br />erly slong the Westerly line of North Main Street to an intersection <br />with the Northerly Boundary line of the said City of Santa Ana; <br />thence Westerly along the said Northerly boundary line of Santa Ana <br />to the point of beginning. <br /> <br /> 2. That there was but one election precinct established <br />and provided for the holding of said special election, the boundaries <br />of which were the boundaries of said territory. <br /> <br /> 6. That the whole number of votes cast upon said pro- <br />position in the territory to be annexed as aforesaid was 59, and the <br />number of votes cast therein in favor of annexation was 49, and the <br />number of votes cast therein against annexation was 10; ar~ <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, it appears from the canvass of the returns of <br />said election held in the territory proposed to be annexed to said <br />City of Santa Arm that the majority of all the votes cast in said <br />outside territory on the question of said annexation are in favor of <br />ann exa ti on; <br /> <br /> IT IS FURTHER 0RDAIN~D, that the annexation of said <br />territory be, and ~he same is hereby approved, and it is hereby or- <br />dered that a certified copy of this Ordinance, giving the date of its <br />passage under the seal of said City of Santa Ana, be transmitted to <br />and ftle~ with the Secretary of the State of California, from and <br />after ~ue date of ~hich filing the annexation of such territory shall <br />be deemed to be complete, and thenceforth said annexed territory <br />shall be, to all intents and purposes, a part of the said City of <br />Santa Ana. <br /> <br /> IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that a record be made and entered <br />upon the minutes of the City Council showing the total number of <br />votes cast upon said question at said election, the number thereof <br />cast in favor of annexation, and the numb®r thereof cast against <br />anne xati on. <br /> <br /> The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause this ordi- <br />nance to be published three (3) times in the Santa Ana Batly Evening <br />Register, a daily newspaper of genersd circulation published and cir- <br />culated in sa~d City of Santa Ana, and hereby designated for said <br />purpose by said City Council. <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br /> E. ,L. ve.~e.l~, <br />City C~erk o'~ 'the <br /> <br /> F. L. Purinton <br />Nayor of the city of '~anta Aha. <br /> <br />cit~ of Santa Ar~. <br /> <br /> The above and f~egoing Ordinance was regularly intro- <br />duced ak an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council held on <br />the 2Sth day of June,1928, and was duly passed and adopted at a regu- <br />lar meeting of said City Council held on the 2nd day of July, 1928, <br />by the following vote, to-wit: <br /> <br /> <br />