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1,14 <br /> <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 85V <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA~ GOVERNING THE <br /> PLANTING, PEOTECTION, PRESERVATI~ REGULATION AND <br /> CONTROL OVER TREES AND SHRUBS PLANTED, GROWING OR <br /> PROJECTING UPON THE PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, STREETS, PUBLIC <br /> SQUARES, OR PARKS OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA; CREATING <br /> THE OFFICE OF CITY FORESTER; AND PROVIDING HIS DUTIES; <br /> AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS <br /> ORDINANCE. <br /> <br /> The City Council of the City of Santa Aua do ordain as follows: <br /> <br /> Section 1. That there is hereby c~eated the office of City Forester of <br /> the City of Santa Arm, who shall hold office at the pleasure of the city Council <br /> and who shall perfor~ his duties under the supervision of the City Planning Com- <br /> ission of said City. That until such time as an appointment shall be made for <br /> <br /> said office, the Street Superintendent of said City shall sorve ex-officio as <br />~City Forester. <br /> <br /> Section 2. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm, <br /> association or corporation, or their agents or employees, to cut, t~im, remove, <br /> mutilate, injure or in any way impair the growth of any tree, shrub or plant being <br /> or growing in or on any of the parking strip, business square or public park in <br /> the City of Santa Aha, or to cause or permit the same to be done; provided, how- <br /> ever, that in the event any person, firm, association or corporation desires per- <br /> mission to cut down, trim, remove oS in any way interfere with the natural growth <br /> of any tree, shrub or plant within the places hereinbefore mentioned, application <br /> shall first be made to the City Forester for a permit therefor. Upon receipt of <br /> such application the City Forester shall cause an inspection to be made, and may <br /> thereafter issue or refuse to issue a permit for the execution of said work; pro- <br /> vided, further, that whenever it is deemed necessary by the City Forester he may <br /> require the work specified in said application or in any part thereof, to be done <br /> under the supervision of the City Forester, and the cost of such supervision shall <br /> be borne by the applicant, if so determined by the City Forester. <br /> <br /> Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association or <br /> corporation to plant any tree, shrub or plant in or upon any of the avenue, park- <br /> ing, strip, public square or public park, without first having obtained permissim <br /> from the City Forester, who shall subject to the Supervision of the City Planning <br /> Commission of the City of Santa Aha, designate the kind, variety and size of the <br /> tree, shrub or plant to be planted as aforesaid. <br /> <br /> Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, ~A~a, oasseolation or <br /> corporation to attach or to be attached to any tree or plant in a business <br /> street or highway in said City, or to the guard or stake intended for the protect- <br /> ion of much tree, shrub or plant, a rope, ~ire, placard or any device. <br /> <br /> Section §. It shall be unlawful for any person, fi~m, association or <br /> corporation, without the w~itten permit of the City Forester to place or maintain: <br /> or caus~ to be placed or maintained, upon the ground in a public highway 'of or in <br /> said City of Santa Aha, any stone, cement, or other sidewalk, or any stone, cement <br /> or other substance, which shall impede the free access of water and air to the <br /> roots of any tree or plant in such highway. Unless otherwise provided for in <br /> such written permit, there must be maintained about the base of the trunk of <br /> each shade tree or plant in the streets of the City of Santa Aha four (4)~ square <br /> <br /> <br />