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,SECTION 2: That the foregoing grant is hereby made upon the following <br /> conditions: <br /> <br /> (1) That the grantee will at no time assert or claim any right to <br /> maintain tracks cr appurtenances in said street~ except under and by virtue of <br /> the ~erms of this ordinance. <br /> <br /> (2) That the grantee shall, at its own cost and expense, construc~ <br /> said tracks and appurtenances in a manner satisfactory to the OXty Engineer of <br /> said City, and shall thenceforth maintain and keep the same in good condition <br /> and repair e <br /> <br /> (3) That the grantee shall, upon demand, at its own cost and expense, <br /> change the size or location of said tracks or portions thereof, and/or appurt- <br /> enances, or remove the same, or any portion or portions thereof, entirely if and <br /> when such change or removal may be determined by the City Engineer to be <br /> convenient or necessary in the proper improvement, maintenance and/er repair of <br /> said thoroughfare or for uses of owmers or occupants of private property adjacent <br /> thereto. <br /> <br /> (4) Tha~ the g~antee shall, and by the acceptance hereof expressly <br /> agrees, to indemnify and save b-~nless the City from any and all loss, cost or <br /> ~-,.-ge which the City or any otb-er person or persons may suffer or sustain by <br /> reason of the ~nst~-uction, maintenance-or use of said tracks and appurtenances, <br /> as well as from any and all Judgments which any person or persons may recover <br /> from the City by reason cf any such loss, cost or damage. <br /> <br /> (8) That the grantee shall not assign or transfer any right granted <br />hereunder without the written consent of the City first had and obtained, nor <br />shall it perm~it the said tracks or trackage to be used by any other person, firm <br />or cox~oration. <br /> <br /> (6) That the line of their said tracks across the said streets herein- <br />before named shall conform in all cases to the established grades of said streets <br />where such grades, before the .same shall be laid, have been established; and in <br />all, cases the said tracks shall conform as nearly as practicable to the natural <br />grades of the streets over and across which they may be constructed, and when at <br />any t~me any portion of said streets shall be graded, paved or otherwise i~prcved~ <br />or the grades or improvements thereof cb~uged or altered by authority of said <br />city, the ~al4 tracks shall be, by said railroad companies or their assigns, made <br />to conforms to such grades so made, changed or altered if required by the Cotmcil <br />of said City, <br /> <br /> (7) It is further made a condition hereof that the City of Santa Aha <br />expressly reserves the right to ~ade, sewer, pave, macadamizes repair, improve <br />or alter said streets or any part' thereof, a~d to use said streets fo~ any public <br />purpose, including the right to lay down pipes for water, gas, or other purposes <br />therein, The ~antees herein shall use the rights herein granted in a manner to <br />injure or obstruct the street and c~ossings as little as possible, The tracks <br />shall be kept constantly in repair by grantees in and along said streets and at <br />all crossings flush w~th the streets, and paved or improved between lines two feet <br />outside of the outside rails to conform to the pavement and improvement in the <br />balance of street; and to grantees agree to provide and maintain all storm water <br /> <br /> <br />