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22, <br /> <br /> ORDINANCE NO. llO0 <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIT~ OF SANTA ANA <br /> AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 658, ENTITT.k-~ <br /> "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE L!CEN- <br /> SING OF BUS!NESS, SHOWS, EX~IBITION~. <br /> AND GA~.~S CONDUCTED OR CiRR~D ON IN <br /> THE CITY OF SZ~NTA ANA, FIXING 'l'~ RATE <br /> OF LICENSE ~REFOR AND PROVIDING FOR <br /> THE COLLECTION %'H~EOF." <br /> <br />THE COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF SANTA ANA DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOV~S: <br /> <br /> SECTION l: That Ordinance No. 658 entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR <br />THE LICENSING 0F BUSINESS, SH0?~, E~HIBITION AND GA~S C0~DUCTED OR CARRIED ON IN <br />THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, FIXING THE RATE OF LICENSE T~EFOR AND PROVIDING FOR THE <br />COLLECTION THEREOF" be and the same is hereby amended by adding a new' section <br />thereto to be numbered Sec. 40~, which said section shall be inserted in said <br />ordinance between sections 40 and 41 thereof, and which said section shall read <br />as follows, to-wit: <br /> <br /> "SECTION ~0~: Every person, firm or corporation <br /> <br /> conducting, managing or carrying on the business of operating <br /> coin-operated machines for entertsirnnent or amusement only, <br /> shall~pay a license fee to the City of Santa Ana in accordance <br /> with the number of machines so operated as hereinafter set forth. <br /> <br /> "The words 'coin-operated machines for entertainment or <br /> <br /> amusement only' are hereby declared to mean any mechanical <br /> device, machine or equipment, other than those otherwise licensed <br /> by ordinances of the City of Santa Aha, which may be operated by <br /> placing a coin or slug in a slot provided for the purpose, thereby <br /> releasing the mechanism of s~id machine, device or equipment, so <br /> that other parts thereof will operate or allow the player to operate <br /> the same, ~.~hether or not the result of the operation of said machine <br /> is dependent upon skill or chance, and provided said machine does <br /> not in any manner provide for the return of any coin, slug or other <br /> thing of value which may be used to again operate said machine, and <br /> provided further, that nothing .in this section shall be. deemed to <br /> license any ~mchine, contrivance or equipment which is so arranged as <br /> to permit or allow any slugs, c~ins or other tokens of value to be <br /> <br /> removed from said res. chine. <br /> <br /> "The words 'person, firm or corporation conducting, managing <br /> <br /> or carrying on the business of operating' such machines shall be con- <br /> strued to mean any person, firm or corporation who is the o~mer, lessor, <br /> rentor~ consignor of, or who exercises supervisory control over, <br /> such machine or machines, v~hether or not said machine or machines are i.n <br /> a place of business operated by such person, firm~ or corporation, or by <br /> some other person, firm or corporation, when said machine is ma~de <br /> available to the public or is permitted to be operated by the r~mbers <br /> of the public. Any person operating a place of business in which <br /> such a coin-operated machine shall be made available to the public, <br /> shall not be deemed to come '~vithin the purview of this section, if a <br /> license on ~uch machine ~s been paid by the owner, lessor, renter or <br /> consignor of ~aid machine. The license fee to be paid here~nder shall <br /> be as follows: <br /> <br /> <br />