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~EW~0RT AND DYER, S. E. ANNEX <br /> <br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the Northeasterly line of Lot 117, Block <br /> <br />8 of the IRVINE SUBDi~fISION, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book l, Page 88, <br />Miscellaneous Record MAps, Records of Orange County, California, with a line which is <br />parallel with and 30 feet So=theasterly, m~asured at right angles from the center line <br />of Newport Avenue, said point being on the existing boundary of the City of Santa Ana, <br />California, as established by the "Main and Newport N. E. Annex", Ordinance NS-320, <br />said point also being South 40° West 130.88 feet from the most Easterly corner of <br />said "Main and Newport N. E. Annex", said point also being South 50° East 30 feet <br />from a point which is South 40° West 1821.23 feet from the intersection of the center <br />lines of Dyer Road and Newport Avenue; thence departing from said City boundary~ South <br />50° East along the Northeasterly line of Blocks 8, 48, 60, 88, lOl~ 125~ 137, 158 and <br />170 of said IRVINg SUBDlUZISION 44,540 feet~ more or less, to a point in the East line <br />of said ZRVZNE SUBDi~VZSION and to a point on the West line of Lot 7 of the "ACUNA TRACT" <br />as shown on a map filed in Book l~ Page 12, Records of Survey, Records of said Orange <br />County; thence South 16°02'50'' West, along said West line of Lot 7~ a distance of 375 feet, <br />more or less, to an angle point in said West line of Lot 7 a~d to a 6 inch by 8 inch <br />redwood post marked "S. J. ll7" as shown on said Record of Survey; thence South 31°10'50'' <br />West along said West line of Lot 7 a distance of 418.44 ,feet to the Southwest corner of <br />said Lot 7 and to the Southwest corner of said "ACUNA TRACT"; thence continuing South <br />31°10~50" West, along the Southwesterly prolongation of said West line of Lot 7, a <br />distance of 1465.01 feet to a point on the Westerly prolongation of the N~e ~ of <br />the South half of Section 29, Township 6 South~ Range 8 West~ San Bernardin~Meridian; <br />thence along last mentioned North line and prolongation South 89° 46'30" East 5418.50 <br />feet to the Northeast corner of the South half of said Section 29~ thence along the <br /> <br />North line of the South half of Section 28, said Township and Range, South 89o43'20'! East. <br />4533.70 feet to the intersection of the North line of the South half of said Section 28 <br />w~th the Southwesterly boundary of the Rancho Canada de Los Alisos, as per map recorded <br />in Book l, Page 187 of Patents in the Office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, <br />California; thence South 89o43'20" East 139.87 feet to a point On the Northeasterly right <br />of way line of the San Diego Freeway, as described in deed to the State of California, <br />recorded December 30, 1959, in Book 5035~ Page 383 of Official Records in the Office of <br />the Cgunty Recorder of Orange County, California, said point being on that certain course <br />having a bearing of South 37°31'35'' East and a length of 4881.77 feet; said <br /> <br /> <br />