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4) The. Owner has submitted to the City, within five (5) days after service <br />of the notice of termination on the Tenant, a true and accurate copy of <br />the Owner's written notice of termination, and proof of such service, <br />signed under penalty of perjury, on the Tenant, through the City's <br />Rental Registry portal. The Owner shall maintain proof of service to the <br />City as evidence that the Owner has complied with this section. <br />5) The Owner must provide the notice in the language that the Owner and <br />Tenant used to negotiate the terms of the Tenancy, in addition to <br />English. <br />Section 8-3122 — Retaliatory Eviction and Anti -Harassment. <br />(a) Retaliatory Eviction. <br />1) If the main intent of the Owner in terminating a Tenancy or refusing to <br />renew a Tenancy is retaliatory in nature, and if the Tenant is not in <br />default as to the payment of Rent, then the Owner may not terminate <br />the Tenancy or refuse to renew the Tenancy or cause the Tenant to <br />quit involuntarily. <br />2) A Tenant may assert retaliation affirmatively or as a defense to the <br />Owner's action regardless of the period of time which has elapsed <br />between the Tenant's assertion or exercise of rights under this Article <br />and the alleged act of retaliation. <br />3) Retaliation against a Tenant because of the Tenant's exercise of rights <br />under this Article is prohibited. Retaliation claims may only be brought <br />in court and may not be addressed administratively. A court may <br />consider the protections afforded by this Article in evaluating a claim of <br />retaliation. <br />(b) Anti -Harassment. No Owner, or any person, acting as a principal or agent, <br />offering Residential Real Property for ront, or any contractor, subcontractor or <br />employee of the Owner shall, with respect to Residential Real Property under <br />any Rental Agreoment or other Tenancy or estate at will, however created, do <br />any of the following: <br />1) Interrupt, terminate, or fail to provide Housing Services required by <br />Rental Agreement or by federal, State County, or local housing, <br />I <br />I sing, <br />health, or safety laws, or threaten to do so, or violate or threaten to <br />violate Civil Code section 789.3. <br />A. 'Interrupt, terminate, or fail to provide Housing Services' in this <br />provision does not include interruptions, terminations, or failure <br />17 <br />