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to provide [dousing Services as a result of interruptions, <br />outages, or terminations caused by events or actions outside of <br />the Owner's control, such as utility outagos caused by natural <br />disaster. Further, this provision does not include stoppages, <br />outages, terminations, and interruptions properly noticed to <br />Tenants as required by a signed Rental Agreement. <br />2) Take any of the following actions in bad faith: <br />A. Fail to perform repairs and maintenance required by Rental <br />Agreement or by federal, State, or local laws; <br />B. Fail to exercise due diligence in completing repairs and <br />maintenance once undertaken; <br />C. Fail to follow appropriate industry repair, containment, or <br />remediation protocols designed to minimize exposure to noise, <br />dust, lead, paint, mold, asbestos, or other building materials with <br />potentially harmful health impacts; <br />D. Conduct elective renovation or construction of unit for the <br />purpose of harassing a Tenant; <br />E. Refuse to acknowledge or accept receipt of a Tenant's lawful <br />Rent payment as set forth in a Rental Agreement, by usual <br />practice of the parties, or in a notice to pay Rent or quit; <br />F. Refuse to cash or process a Rent check or other form of <br />acceptable Rent payment for over thirty (g) days after it is <br />tendered; <br />G. Fail to maintain a current address for delivery of Rent payments; <br />H. Violate a Tenant's right to privacy without limitation, by <br />requesting information regarding residence or citizenship status, <br />protected class status, or social security number, except as <br />required by law or in the case of a social security number, for <br />the purpose of obtaining information for the qualifications for a <br />Tenancy; <br />1. Release information protected by the Tenant's right to privacy <br />except as required or authorized by law; or <br />J. Request or demand an unreasonable amount of information <br />from Tenant in response to a request for reasonable <br />accommodation. <br />18 <br />