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to represent each assessment of fifty dollars ($50) or <br />over remazning unpaid for thirty (30) days after the <br />date of recordation of the warrant. Said serial bonds <br />shall extend over a period ending 9 years from the second <br />day of January next succeeding the next September 1st <br />following their date. Said bonds are to be issued <br />pursuant to and as provided in the Improvement Act of 1911. <br /> <br /> Section 5. Notice is hereby given that <br />December 16, 1963 at the hour of 7:30 P.M. in the Council <br />Chambers of said City Council at the City Hall, 217 North <br />Main Street, in said city are the day, hour and place fixed <br />for the hearing of protests and objections by the City <br />Council. Any and all persons having any protest or <br />objection to said proposed work, the extent of said <br />assessment district, or the proposed grades, may appear <br />before the City Council at said hearing~ and show cause <br />why said proposed work should not be carried out in <br />accordance with this resolution of intention. Protests <br />or objections must be in writing and must be delivered <br />to the Clerk of the Council of said city, not later than <br />the day and hour set for said hearing. <br /> <br /> Section 6. Notice is further given that <br />at the previously mentioned day, hour and place, and con- <br />currently with the aforementioned hearing, the City Council <br />will also hold a public hearing on the question of whether <br />public convenience and necessity require such improvements, <br />and whether the Special Assessment Investigation, <br />Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931 and the debt <br />limitation and majority protest provisions thereof shall <br />apply. Notice of the public hearing provided for by this <br />section shall be published, posted and mailed by the <br />same means, at the same time and in the same manner <br />hereinafter provided for the publication of this resolution, <br />and the posting and mailing of notice of adoption or <br />passage thereof. <br /> <br /> Section 7. Said Clerk o~ the Council is <br />hereby directed to mail notices of the adoption of this <br />resolution and the Director of Public Works of said <br />city is hereby directed to post notices of the passage <br />of this resolution, both such notices to be given in the <br />time, form and manner provided by law. <br /> <br /> Section 8. THE REGISTER, a newspaper of general <br />circulation, published and circulated in the City of Santa Ana, <br />is hereby selected as the newspaper in which this resolution <br />shall be published and, except when otherwise ordered by this <br />City Council, in which all other publications in the proceed- <br />ings pursuant to this resolution of intention shall be made. <br />The Clerk of the Council is hereby directed to certify to the <br />adoption of this resolution and to cause said resolution to <br />be published in the manner provided by law. <br /> <br /> Section 9. Said proposed work and improvement <br />and proceedings therefor are to be done under and pursuant <br /> <br /> <br />