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25S <br /> <br />City Council met in regular session. <br />Meeting called to order by the Mayor. <br /> <br />Present: <br />Absent: <br /> <br />Trustees <br />Trustees <br /> <br />Council Chamber <br />Santa Aha City Hall <br />September 15, 1952. <br /> <br />William Jerome, J.L.NcBride, <br />Milford W. Dahl, Courtney R. Chandler. <br />0rson H. Hunter <br /> <br /> ' 0 <br />7.3 P.M. <br /> <br />Each member of the City Council having received copies of <br />the Minutes of September 2nd and 8th, 1952, reading of the <br />Minutes was dispensed with and approved on ~otion of Trustee <br />Jerome, seconded by Dahl and carried. <br /> # <br /> <br />In Re This being the date set for hearing of protests and no protests having <br /> <br />Hearing date <br />Amend. Application <br />Reclassify land on <br />so.side of E. 17th <br />btn Santiago & Lincoln <br />Helen E. Platte <br /> <br />been received reference Amendment Application No. 94, of Helen E. <br />Platte, to reclassify a parcel of land on the south side of E. 17th <br />Street between Santiago Avenue and Lincoln Avenue, from R-2 to the R-3 <br /> <br />Multiple Family Residence District, on motion of Trustee Jerome, <br /> <br />seconded by McBride and carried, the City Attorney was instructed to <br /> <br />In Re <br />Resol. No. 52-78 <br />Adv. for bids <br />Furnish 900 tons <br />plant-mixed surfacing <br />for Minter, Lacy,etc. <br /> <br />prepare amendment to Municipal Code to reclassify the property. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee McBride, seconded by Jerome and carried, the <br /> <br />following Resolution entitled: <br /> <br />was read, <br /> <br />"Resolution authorizing and directing the <br /> City Clerk to advertise for bids for the <br /> furnishing, delivery and truck spreading <br /> of 900 tons ~lant-mixed surfacing ~/$ inch <br /> maximum, 200 300 penetration asphalt to be <br /> placed on t~he following streets: Minter, <br /> Lacy, Garfield and Stafford Streets" <br /> <br />considered, designated Resolution No. 52-78 and passed <br /> <br />the following vote: <br /> <br />In Rs <br />Resol. No. 52-79 <br />Adv. for bids <br />Furnish Barber Greene <br />spreader plant-mixed' <br />surfacihg for Orange, <br />Cypress, etc. <br /> <br /> Ayes, Trustees William Jerome, J.L.McBrlde, <br /> Milford W. Dahl, Courtney R. Chandler. <br /> Noes, T~ustees None <br /> Absent, Trustees Orson H. Hunter <br /># <br />On motion of Trustee Dahl, seconded by Jerome and ca'tied, the follow-' <br /> <br />lng Resolution entitled: <br /> <br />was read, <br /> <br />"Resolution authorizing and directing the <br />City Clerk to ad~rtise for bids for the <br />furnishing, delivery and spreading with <br />Barber Greene spreader, including operator <br />and screedman, ~000 tons plant-mixed <br />surfacing, 1/2 inch maximum, 150-200 <br />penetration asphalt to be placed on the <br />following streets: Orange and Cypress Aves., <br />~helton, Minter, Lacy and Stafford Streets" <br /> <br />considered, designated Resolution No. 52-79 and passed by the <br /> <br />following vote: <br /> <br />In Re <br />Resol. No. 52-80 <br />Accept Grant Deed <br />Robert S. Dye etux <br /> (Nc.side Russell W. <br />of Flower <br /> <br /> Ayes, Trustees William Jerome, J.L.McBride, <br /> Milford W. Dahl, Courtney R. Chandler. <br /> Noes, Trustees None <br /> Absent, Trustees Orson H. Hunter <br /># <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee Dahl, seconded by Jerome and carried, the follow- <br /> <br />lng Resolution entitled: <br /> <br /> "Resolution Accepting Grant Deed" <br /> <br />from Robert S. and Florence Anne Dye, conveying certain real property <br /> <br />located on the north side of Russell Avenue west of Flower between <br /> <br />Flower and Olive Streets, was read, considered, designated Resolution <br /> <br />No. 52-80 and passed by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes, T~ustees <br /> <br />Noes, Trustees <br />Absent, Trustees <br /> <br />William Jerome, J.L.McBride, <br />Milford W. Dahl, Courtney R. Chandler. <br />None <br />Orson H. Hunter <br /> <br /> <br />