ZOA No. 2024-01 for South Coast Technology Center at 3100 West Lake Center Drive
<br />August 6, 2024
<br />Page 12
<br />The prepared environmental review provides a limited examination of environmental
<br />effects for the proposed project, evaluating whether there are impacts that are peculiar
<br />to the project or the project site, impacts not analyzed as significant effects in the GPU
<br />EIR, potentially significant off -site or cumulative impacts not evaluated in the GPU EIR,
<br />or previously identified significant effects that are determined to have a more severe
<br />adverse impact than discussed in the GPU EIR. Moreover, the review analyzed impacts
<br />to aesthetics, agricultural and forestry resources, air quality, biological resources,
<br />cultural resources, energy consumption, site geology and soils, greenhouse gas
<br />emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, land use
<br />and planning, mineral resources, noise, population and housing, public services,
<br />recreation, transportation, tribal cultural resources, utilities and service systems, and
<br />wildfire risk. Additionally, the review outlines implementation of applicable regulatory
<br />requirements and mitigation measures detailed in GPU EIR, related to the above -listed
<br />topics analyzed in the environmental review.
<br />The environmental review concluded that the proposed project is consistent with
<br />buildout of the General Plan Update. Upon implementation of regulatory requirements
<br />and mitigation measures related to air quality, cultural resources, geology and soils, and
<br />noise the proposed project would not have any specific effects, which are peculiar to the
<br />project or the project site. Moreover, there are no project specific impacts or potentially
<br />significant off -site or cumulative impacts that the GPU PEIR did not analyze, and there
<br />are no new significant or substantially more severe impacts to aesthetics, agricultural
<br />and forestry resources, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, energy
<br />consumption, site geology and soils, greenhouse gas emissions, hazards and
<br />hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, land use and planning, mineral
<br />resources, noise, population and housing, public services, recreation, transportation,
<br />tribal cultural resources, utilities and service systems, and wildfire risk, than anticipated
<br />by the GPU PEIR. Based on this analysis, a Notice of Exemption, Environmental
<br />Review No. 2023-109 will be filed for this project.
<br />The proposed development associated with the amendment request is anticipated to
<br />generate a total of 687 permanent jobs (425 on -site and 262 off -site) and 555 one-time
<br />jobs associated with its construction. Additionally, the project would deliver a substantial
<br />positive impact to the City's economy with the production of goods and services
<br />increasing by $256.1 million annually. This growth in jobs and economic output would
<br />have a positive impact on the City, as it would expand its economic base, thereby
<br />providing a strong foundation for the City's continued economic growth and fiscal health.
<br />Additionally, the associated redevelopment with the amendment request is anticipated
<br />to generate a sizable annual recurring incremental fiscal surplus at build -out of
<br />$257,736 based on the generation of $460,412 in annual recurring revenues including
<br />property taxes, sales tax, licenses and permit, service fees, and other applicable local
<br />