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Award Determination and Obligation <br />Allocations <br />Risk Methodology <br />D H S d e f i n e s r i s kadvaarsa outcoAY elaseetsed as h fnnatibn offhazard/thaeats, assets and <br />their vulnerabilities, and consequences." See DHS Lexicon Terms and Definitions: 2017 Edition — <br />Revision 2, (Oct. 2017). The FEMA risk methodology is focused on three elements: <br />• Threat: the likelihood of an attack being attempted by an adversary; <br />• Vulnerability: the likelihood that an attack is successful, given that it is attempted; and <br />• Consequence: the effect of an event, incident, or occurrence. <br />Please see the applicable appendix of this Manual for each award program for specific information on the <br />risk methodology applied for each program. <br />Application Evaluation Criteria <br />Programmatic Criteria <br />See the Manual appendices and relevant program NOFOs for specific information on the application <br />criteria specific to each program. <br />Financial Integrity Criteria <br />Prior to making a federal award, FEMA is required by 31 U.S.C. § 3354, as enacted by the Payment <br />Integrity Information Act of 2019, Pub. L. No. 116-117 (2020); 41 U.S.C. § 2313; and 2 C.F.R. § 200.206 <br />to review information available through any Office of Management and Budget (OMB) -designated <br />repositories of governmentwide eligibility qualification or financial integrity information, including <br />whether the applicant is suspended or debarred. FEMA may also pose additional questions to the <br />applicant to aid in conducting the pre -award risk review. Therefore, application evaluation criteria may <br />include the following risk -based considerations of the applicant: <br />1. Financial stability; <br />2. Quality of management systems and ability to meet management standards; <br />3. History of performance in managing federal award; <br />4. Reports and findings from audits; and <br />5. Ability to effectively implement statutory, regulatory, or other requirements. <br />All investments selected for recommendation will also undergo an additional risk review conducted by <br />the FEMA Grants Management Specialist to evaluate the risk for noncompliance in carrying out the <br />federal award. Using their subject -matter expertise, the questions the FEMA Grants Management <br />Specialist may assess include, but are not limited to: <br />• Is the applicant on any exclusion lists as identified in <br />• If the applicant has received federal funding in the past, has the applicant performed all audits <br />required by the Single Audit requirements under 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Subpart F? <br />• Has the applicant provided sufficient budget information and justification as required by the <br />NOFO? <br />• Are the costs proposed by the applicant in the budget information and justification allowable and <br />reasonable based on the criteria set forth in this Manual and the applicable appendix, NOFO, and <br />regulations? <br />20 <br />