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Post -Award Management and Implementation <br />Reporting <br />Recipients are required to submit various financial and programmatic reports as a condition of award <br />acceptance. Future awards and funds drawdown may be withheld if these reports are delinquent. <br />Consultants or contractors are not permitted to be the AOR or the SA of the recipient. The AOR, as the <br />Authorized Official for the award, is responsible for submitting programmatic and financial performance <br />reports, accepting award packages, signing sing assurances and certifications, and submitting award <br />amendments. <br />Federal Financial Reporting Requirements <br />Federal Financial Report (FFR) <br />Recipients must report obligations and expenditures to FEMA on a quarterly basis through the FFR form <br />(SF-425). Recipients may review the FFR Form (SF-425) at Post -Award Reporting Forms I <br />Recipients must file the FFR electronically using the Payment and Reporting Systems (PARS). <br />Financial Reporting Periods and Due Dates <br />An FFR must be submitted quarterly throughout the period of performance (POP), including partial <br />calendar quarters, as well as in periods where no grant award activity occurs. The final FFR is due within <br />120 days after the end of the POP. Future awards and fund drawdowns may be withheld if these reports <br />are delinquent, demonstrate a lack of progress, or are insufficient in detail. <br />Except for the final FFR due at 120 days after the end of the POP for purposes of closeout, the following <br />reporting periods and due dates apply for the FFR: <br />FFR Reporting Period <br />October 1 — December 31 <br />Report Due Date <br />January 30 <br />January I — March 31 <br />April 30 <br />April I — June 30 <br />July 30 <br />July I — September 30 <br />October 30 <br />Because of a system limitation, if at the end of the POP a recipient still has funds to draw down, PARS <br />requires an FFR be submitted within 30 days of the end of the POP in order to access those funds. In that <br />case, the recipient will need to submit an FFR within 30 days of the end of the POP in addition to the final <br />FFR within 120 days of the end of the POP. All other recipients who do not need to draw down funds <br />after the end of the POP are only required to submit the final FFR within 120 days after the end of the <br />POP. <br />Program Performance Reporting Requirements <br />Performance Progress Report (PPR) <br />Recipients are responsible for providing updated performance reports on a biannual basis as an <br />attachment in ND Grants. The PPR should include the following: <br />27 <br />