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• A brief narrative of overall project(s) status; <br />• A summary of project expenditures; and <br />• A description of any potential issues that may affect project completion. <br />Note: This requirement does NOT apply to the EMPG Program, which has different performance <br />reporting requirements. These are described in the EMPG Program Appendix in this Manual. <br />Program Performance Reporting Periods and Due Dates <br />The following reporting periods and due dates apply for the PPR: <br />Reporting Period Report Due Date <br />January 1 — June 30 July 30 <br />July 1 — December 31 January 30 <br />Additional Programmatic Reporting Requirements and Information <br />Biannual Strategy Implementation Report (BSIR)2 <br />In addition to the quarterly financial and biannual performance progress reports, recipients are responsible <br />for completing and submitting BSIRs through the Grants Reporting Tool (GRT). The BSIR is due within <br />30 days after the end of the reporting period: July 30 for the reporting period of January 1 through June 30 <br />(summer BSIR report); and January 30 for the reporting period of July 1 through December 31 (winter <br />BSIR report). All required attributes of each project must be included. Updated obligations, expenditures, <br />and significant developments must be provided within the BSIR to show the progress of implementation <br />for every project as well as how expenditures support Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training, and <br />Exercises (POETE). The first BSIR will be due by January 30, or 30 days after the end of the first <br />reporting period of the award. Subsequent BSIR reports will require recipients to report on a project -by - <br />project basis. <br />Recipients also are responsible for completing and submitting a closeout BSIR. Wh e n a n OPMra r d ' s <br />the liquidation period ends in the middle of a reporting period, a "regular" BSIR must be submitted with <br />full accounting of actual project information/expenditures before a Closeout BSIR can be created/ <br />submitted. The last "regular" BSIR is required because the Closeout BSIR does NOT contain full <br />functionality to edit any project information/expenditures. Once the last "regular" BSIR is approved by <br />GPD, the Closeout BSIR can be created/submitted. Please contact your HQ Preparedness Officer for <br />guidance on the information required for the Closeout BSIR. <br />Closeout Reporting Requirements <br />Within 120 days after the end of the POP for the prime award or after an amendment has been issued to <br />close out an award before the original POP ends, whichever occurs first, recipients must liquidate all <br />financial obligations and submit the following documentation in ND Grants: <br />1. The final request for payment, if applicable; <br />2. The final FFR (SF-425); <br />3. The final PPR; <br />z BSIR requirements are applicable to the following grant programs: HSGP (SHSP, UASI, and OPSG), THSGP, <br />EMPG, and NSGP. <br />28 <br />